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E.S.E. System: Genuss von Spitzen-Espresso und Kaffee.


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Amici Caffè
CHF 10,70 7% AB 36
Amici Koffeinfrei, 18 Pads

100% Arabica. Ohne Koffein - und er schmeckt trotzdem.Amici Espresso decaffeinato ist einer der wenigen entkoffeinierten Espressi, die immer noch den Charakter des 'Originals' beibehalten. Trotz aller Torturen, die ein Kaffee über sich ergehen lassen muss, damit er sich entkoffeiniert nennen darf, ist sein Geschmack rund und angenehm mit vielfältigen Aromen. Er hat überdies einen lang anhaltenden und vornehmen Abgang. Die Crema ist feinporig und rötlich-braun mit fester Konsistenz wie der koffeinhaltige Espresso. Der Koffeingehalt beträgt lediglich 0,05 %.Die neue AMICI-Mischung vereint die besten Arabica-Kaffees: neun ausgewählte Zutaten aus Süd- und Mittelamerika, Asien und Afrika. Die Kakaonoten und die Vollmundigkeit der südamerikanischen Kaffees, die elegante Säure, die reifen Früchte und der karamellisierte Zucker mittelamerikanischer Kaffeebohnen, das Bouquet von Jasmin und die Frische der afrikanischen Arabicas und schliesslich die würzigen und nussigen Noten asiatischer Kaffees.Das Zusammenspiel der einzelnen Provenienzen der Mischung verleiht dem Kaffee einen sanften und komplexen Geschmack, mit einer ausgeprägten Süsse und einer angenehmen Säure, welche die zarten Bitternoten der Röstung integriert. Die Struktur des Kaffees wird durch einen seidigen, samtigen Körper bestimmt, der dazu einlädt, den Kaffee Schluck für Schluck zu entdecken, und dafür sorgt, dass das Kaffeearoma noch lange nach dem letzten Schluck erhalten bleibt. Der Nachgeschmack besteht zunächst aus gerösteten Haselnüssen und geht dann in Sultaninen und kandierte Orangenschalen über, ein Erlebnis, das noch lange nach dem Genuss des Kaffees noch anhält.E.S.E : Diese Abkürzung steht für "Easy Serving Espresso" - frei übersetzt also "Espresso, mal ganz einfach". Eine kompatible Espressomaschine vorausgesetzt, erhalten Sie eine Tasse wie die andere, immer cremig, immer perfekt. Einfach den Portionsbeutel in die Maschine einlegen, Wasser durchlaufen lassen - fertig. In den E.S.E. Portionsbeuteln von Amici steckt übrigens dieselbe Röstung wie beim "losen" Kaffee. Geschmacklich brauchen Sie also auf nichts zu verzichten. Und das Beste ist: alles bleibt sauber, kein verkrusteter Kaffeesatz mehr. Die gebrauchten Portionsbeutel lassen sich übrigens umweltfreundlich kompostieren.

La Semeuse
CHF 11,95 2 SIZES
La Semeuse Soleil Levant, organic, Max Havelaar

100% Arabica. Strong and exciting The beans for this 100% Arabica coffee blend come from Colombia, Peru and Indonesia. The coffee is subtle and strong in flavour, with a hint of chocolate. Soleil Levant is organic and certified by Max Havelaar. The Max Havelaar seal of quality stands for fair and living wage trade with producer organisations in disadvantaged regions. This coffee is produced and traded fairly according to strict social criteria and organic farming standards. Thanks to higher prices and long-term trading relationships, farming families can improve their living conditions. By buying a product with the Max Havelaar seal of approval, you are making a personal contribution. The Max Havelaar Foundation (Switzerland), monitors compliance with fair trade criteria.E.S.E : This abbreviation stands for "Easy Serving Espresso" - loosely translated, "Espresso, times quite simply". Provided you have a compatible espresso machine, you get one cup like another, always creamy, always perfect. Simply insert the sachet into the machine, let the water run through, and you're done.Even though Italians claim, not entirely without justification, to have invented espresso, that doesn't mean that we in Switzerland can't roast a good espresso. No one else roasts at an altitude of about 1000 metres above sea level. The lower air pressure ensures that the coffee beans behave differently during roasting than in normal roasting plants. How exactly is a carefully guarded secret of the la Semeuse roastery in La Chaux-de-Fonds.

CHF 13,90 210 g
Claro Crema Coffee, Organic, Latin America, Africa

100% Organic Arabica. Organic espresso coffee from Mexico, Peru and Tanzania This Fairtrade and Organic Crema coffee is a blend of selected organic Arabica beans from Mexico, more precisely from the Isthmus region, the mountainous isthmus of Tehuantepec, from Peru, from the province of Junin and from Tanzania of the Kagera region on the western shore of Lake Victoria. This special coffee is suitable for all those who like a mild and aromatic coffee. The medium-bodied blend is carefully and slowly roasted in small quantities in the classic way at the traditional La Semeuse coffee roastery in La Chaux-de-Fonds.The Cooperativa Agraria Cafetalera La Florida in Peru has been supporting coffee farmers in La Florida as a cooperative association since 1966. With the Fair Trade certification, the conversion to organic cultivation also took place. The association maintains its own agricultural school and is particularly committed to the advancement of women.The UCIRI Union de Comunidades Indigenas de la Region del Istmo in Mexico was one of the first producer groups to be accepted into the FLO coffee register in 1989 and is considered one of the most exemplary organisations. The establishment of the organic inspection body Certimex, the first public bus line and the only secondary school in the region are some of their pioneering achievements.The KNCU Kilimanjaro Native Co-operative Union in Tanzania has been active since 1924 as one of the oldest African coffee cooperatives. The union maintains a central training fund and runs a credit/savings bank that provides low-interest loans. Claro Fairtrade guarantees farmers minimum living prices, partial pre-financing of the harvest and long-term purchase contracts. Claro Fairtrade guarantees farmers minimum living prices, partial pre-financing of the harvest and long-term purchase contracts.

La Semeuse
CHF 17,95 280 g
La Semeuse Nocturne

100% Arabica. The caffeine-free one with the full aroma. Sometimes less is more, especially when there is already enough caffeine in the body, it is already late and of course also when there is a hypersensitivity to caffeine. How good that you can remove the unwanted caffeine from the coffee. In this case, by the way, it is done quite tolerably on a water basis. The blend of La Semeuse Nocturne is specially adapted to decaffeination. For example, the Nocturne contains not only beans from the well-known South American growing countries, but also a proportion of beans from the rather exotic Haiti. The gentle treatment with spring water and the careful selection of beans ensure that the full aroma is preserved even without caffeine.E.S.E : This abbreviation stands for "Easy Serving Espresso" - loosely translated, "Espresso, times quite simply". Provided you have a compatible espresso machine, you get one cup like another, always creamy, always perfect. Simply insert the sachet into the machine, let the water run through, and you're done.Even though Italians claim, not entirely without justification, to have invented espresso, that doesn't mean that we in Switzerland can't roast a good espresso. No one else roasts at an altitude of about 1000 metres above sea level. The lower air pressure ensures that the coffee beans behave differently during roasting than in normal roasting plants. How exactly is a carefully guarded secret of the la Semeuse roastery in La Chaux-de-Fonds.

CHF 80,30 2 SIZES
Sirocco Crema

100% Arabica. Alpine Roast: more air is used in the roasting process than is traditionally the case. At Sirocco Coffee, it is important to follow and have a say in the journey of the green coffee beans from the tree to the cup. Sirocco coffee is made exclusively from the more valuable and aromatic Arabica varieties. Robusta coffee is deliberately avoided. Sirocco Coffee buys from its partners at fair prices. Tradition also helps: we have maintained close relationships with local coffee producers for several generations. Whenever possible, we buy directly from the growers in the countries of origin. We attach great importance to compliance with sustainable fair trade standards. By focusing on first-class green coffee provenances in recent years, Sirocco Coffee has recognised clear trends. The proliferation of coffee machines and systems of various kinds have led to consumers knowing more about coffee enjoyment and appreciating premium quality more and more.Over the years, Sirocco Coffee has developed its own roasting process, Alpine Roast, which uses more air than traditional in the roasting process. This allows the natural acidity of the green coffee to be reduced to a minimum without destroying the fine aroma components of noble Arabica coffees. the roasting of speciality coffees can best be compared to the work of star chefs - the basis is first-class ingredients, but the real work is the preparation or roasting of these coffeesE.S.E: This abbreviation stands for "Easy Serving Espresso". Provided you have a compatible espresso machine, you will get one cup like another, always creamy, always perfect. Simply insert the sachet into the machine, let the water run through - and you're done. By the way, the E.S.E. sachets from Sirocco contain the same roast as the "loose" coffee. So you don't have to do without anything in terms of taste. And the best thing is: everything stays clean, no more crusty coffee grounds. By the way, the used sachets can be composted in an environmentally friendly way.

UTZ Certified
CHF 107,30 3 SIZES
Illycafé Gourmet Venezia

100% Arabica. For espresso and café crème Illycafé offers something special. Here you can order one and the same bean blend in three different degrees of roast. Illycafé consists exclusively of Arabica beans grown at high altitudes in Central and South America and in East Africa on selected, small fazendas. An optical sorting system makes it possible to check every single coffee bean. Only those beans that meet the strict quality requirements find their way to the roasting plant.And as already mentioned, three different roasts are now made: Venezia stands for northern Italian mild, Milano for typical Italian, Napoli for southern Italian racy. The Venezia roast offered here is rather light, wonderfully mild and digestible. Ideal for Caffè Lungo/Café Crème, but also as a cappuccino, the coffee flavour remains intact. The coffee is available in boxes with 28 single portions.E.S.E : This abbreviation stands for "Easy Serving Espresso" - loosely translated, "Espresso, times quite simple". Provided you have a compatible espresso machine, you get one cup like the other, always creamy, always perfect. Simply insert the sachet into the machine, let the water run through and you're done.Illycafé has been roasting in Thalwil on Lake Zurich since 1939. The company imports beans from Central and South America, East Africa, Indonesia and India. These are then blended and roasted on the left bank of Lake Zurich according to secret recipes.


Freshness is a big issue in the food industry. Fresh vegetables from the market, fresh eggs straight from the farm, fresh coffee from the roastery or the coffee centre. But what does "freshness" mean and how does coffee stay fresh the longest?


  • Enemies of coffee: air, humidity, heat, light and time
  • Optimal period of enjoyment
    • Espresso: 2 weeks to 3 months from roasting date
    • Filter: 1 week to 2 months from roasting date
  • If no roasting date is known: expiry date minus 9 months

  • Store in a dry, dark and cool place; best in the original packaging
  • Grind beans fresh
  • Keep coffee machine and grinder clean


Freshness is a big issue in the food industry. Fresh vegetables from the market, fresh eggs straight from the farm, fresh coffee from the roastery or the coffee centre. But what does "freshness" mean and how does coffee stay fresh the longest?