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Horizonte Coffee
CHF 12,00 333 g
Horizonte Legal (Decaf), Colombia

No caffeine? Breaking the rules in the coffee world? Legalise it! For coffee with milk and espresso. Sweet, balanced and low in acidity.This Single Origin from Colombia surprises coffee connoisseurs with a creamy sweetness without caffeine effect. With a caffeine content of 0.1% or less, this is a great coffee to drink with milk or use for desserts like affogato and tiramisu. TheseLegal beans are roasted extra gently so that they are not subjected to additional stress after the decaffeination process. The company Descafecol from Manizales, Colombia, decaffeinates the beans. After a visit to Horizonte they chose Descafecol on the spot because we were impressed by their first-class working methods and production facilities. For decaffeination, Descafecol uses a combination of natural ethyl acetate (EA) and water. EA is naturally present in every coffee bean, as well as in many other fruits and vegetables. No foreign substances are added. Decaffeination is done in large extraction vessels with softened coffee beans that are washed with natural EA. The process is repeated several times to remove all the caffeine. Natural EA is obtained from the sugar cane industry in Palmira (Colombia) and, together with spring water, is the only substance that comes into contact with the beans.Subsequently, the beans are freed from residual EA. To do this, steam is passed over the coffee at low pressure. Descafecol delivers beans with no more than 5 ppm (parts per million) EA in the coffee. International standards accept an EA residue of up to 20 ppm. For comparison, bananas have about 20 times the EA of our decaffeinated legal coffees.This process allows for a gentle extraction of caffeine, avoiding excessive heat and pressure to keep the important cell structure of the coffee bean intact.The Coooperative Alto Occidente, the producers of Legal Beans, has always stood up against exploitation. In the 1950s, coffee farmers from the Riseralda region had had enough of middlemen, who were the main buyers of their beans at the time. A group of farmers got together and founded "Alto Occidente". The cooperative takes care of buying coffee, accessing credit and providing agricultural material. All members are small producers, which means that the work on their farms is mainly done by their own families.

Vicafé Decaf Hausmischung
CHF 13,50 350 g
Vicafé Decaf Hausmischung

Lass dich von der ViCAFE Decaf Hausmischung verwöhnen – einem Kaffee, der geschaffen wurde, um zu jeder Zeit Freude zu bereiten. Die besondere Entkoffeinierung mit subkritischem CO2 in Bremen schenkt dir ein vollmundiges Kaffeeerlebnis ohne Koffein, das du unbeschwert geniessen kannst. Ein runder, süsser und schokoladiger Genuss, der dich Tag und Nacht begleitet.Süsse HarmonieDeine Geschmackssinne werden jubeln bei dem samtigen Zusammenspiel von Milchschokolade, Karamell und Nougat, das die ViCAFE Decaf Hausmischung präsentiert. Mit einem mittleren Körper und einer leichten Säure entfaltet sich jeder Schluck zu einer süssen Melodie in deinem Mund – eine Symphonie, die sanft und einladend ist.Vielseitiger KaffeegenussDiese Mischung ist ein echtes Multitalent. Ob du sie in deinem Vollautomaten für einen sanften Start in den Tag wählst, als Filterkaffee zu einem gemütlichen Nachmittag geniesst oder als Espresso nach einem feinen Abendessen – die ViCAFE Decaf Hausmischung ist für jede Zubereitungsart dein perfekter Partner. Und das Beste: ohne Koffein, damit du jederzeit deinen Lieblingskaffee geniessen kannst.Nachhaltiger GenussDie Bohnen aus Guatemala, Brasilien, Kenia und Indien geben der ViCAFE Decaf Hausmischung nicht nur ihr konstantes Geschmacksprofil, das seit 2010 in unseren Espresso Bars geliebt wird, sondern stehen auch für unser Engagement für Qualität und Nachhaltigkeit. Die schonende Entkoffeinierungsmethode sorgt dafür, dass du einen Kaffee geniesst, der gut für dich und die Umwelt ist. Tauche ein in eine Welt, in der Genuss und Verantwortung Hand in Hand gehen.

Miro Coffee
CHF 17,50 250 g
Miro Coffee Planadas Decaf, Colombia, medium roast

Planadas Tolima is a decaffeinated coffee made from sugar cane.After being completely washed and dried, the caffeine content is reduced through a natural process. Thefirst coffee, in the opinion of Miro Coffee , that is also a pleasure without caffeine. It is suitable for all types of preparation and offers plenty of flavour, a pleasant acidity and plenty of sweetness.The coffee beans are first steamed at low pressure to remove the silver skins. They are then moistened with hot water to swell and soften the beans.This step prepares the coffee for the hydrolysis of the caffeine, which is bound to the salts of the chlorogenic acid in the coffee. The moistened coffee is washed several times with the solvent ethyl acetate (EA).In decaffeinated sugar cane coffee, the ethyl acetate is obtained naturally through the fermentation of the sugar cane grown in Colombia, rather than through chemical synthesis.Once the caffeine content is reduced to the desired level, the beans are cleaned to remove the remaining EA and dried to 10-12%.Producer SmallholdersOrigin TolimaProcess WashedDecaf Sugarcane ProcessArabica Variety Caturra & CastilloGrowing altitude 1800 m a.s.l.Roast profile MediumSuitable for Espresso, Filter, French Press, Cold Brew and AeropressMIRO COFFEE - Manufactura de Café: Since the beginning, the Manufactura de Café has exclusively purchased specialty coffee. Around three quarters of these are beans from certified organic suppliers. The farms are selected very carefully - to ensure fair trade and optimal conditions for the coffee farmers. In the miró café at Brauerstrasse 58 in Zurich, you can watch the brothers roasting and taste at least two types of coffee.