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CHF 9,80 220 g
Swipala Café la Perla Boliven

100% Arabica. Grand Cru: a real rarityCafé la perla is a single-origin Arabica coffee from Caranavi, in the Bolivian highlands. While two beans normally ripen in a coffee cherry, in rare cases only one is formed, the pearl bean. The pearl bean is a special coffee bean, a real rarity, which grows individually in a normally double-studded coffee cherry, spreading out in all directions and thus acquiring its characteristic round shape. All the aromas are concentrated in this one bean and give it this intense flavour when roasted.Café la perla is an excellent organic Arabica coffee from the Caranavi region in the subtropical eastern slopes of the Andes in Bolivia. The coffee is grown by a cooperative on a single plot (finca y micro-lote). The pearl beans are then sorted out by hand. This special selection guarantees a fantastic quality of the green coffee.The coffee is certified organic and is roasted and packaged as Grand Cru at the Oetterli roasting house in Solothurn, an organic roasting house. Gentle roasting in a drum roaster in small batches guarantees top quality coffee and freshness.The owners of the Bernese company swipala GmbH worked for 2 years in Bolivia with the small farmers. Today, swipala buys the green coffee directly from the producer families (without intermediaries) and pays extra premiums for the special selection and organic cultivation. swipala maintains the cooperation with the Bolivian partners on the basis of the Fairtrade specifications. As many value-adding activities as possible are carried out in the country of origin. For example, the packaging was drawn by a Bolivian artist.

Tropical Mountains Geisha, Peru
CHF 0,00 2 SIZES
Tropical Mountains Geisha, Peru

Immerse yourself in the world of exquisite Tropical Mountains Columbiano coffee, which comes from the pristine heights of the Apía River Canyon. At an altitude of 1,500 to 2,000 meters above sea level, the coffee cherries thrive in perfect conditions. This 100% organic highland Arabica, sustainably grown and fairly traded, pampers you with fruity, refreshing and floral aromas as well as delicate orange notes. Columbiano coffee is characterized by a light body and a fruity-floral aroma. With a strength of 2 out of 6 and an acidity of 4 out of 6, it offers a balanced taste experience that particularly impresses with its tangy orange notes. Every cup of this coffee brings you closer to a piece of Colombia, with all its multifaceted and refreshing nuances. We only use green coffee from Colombia for Columbiano coffee. By purchasing directly without middlemen, we support the coffee farmers in our community and guarantee them a fair income. This single origin coffee is the result of dedication and sustainable cultivation in the best coffee-growing regions of Colombia. The Columbiano organic fair trade coffee beans are versatile and are perfect for espresso (40 ml), ristretto (25 ml) and lungo (80 ml). Grind the beans fresh for the best flavor development and enjoy the full richness of this exceptional coffee. No matter which preparation method you prefer, the Columbiano will not disappoint you. The story of Tropical Mountains began in 2012 with a small farm in Peru. The vision of founders Gisella Iriarte and Thomas Schwegler was clear: organic and fair-trade coffee, traceable from bean to cup. Today, gourmet coffees from all over the world expand our range, while they continue to focus on sustainable cultivation and fair trade. They are proud to be a member of the World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO) and support local schools and charitable projects. Respect for their employees, the coffee plant and nature as a whole is our guiding principle. That's why we also offset the CO2 emissions from our value chain. With every sip of Tropical Mountains coffee, you not only enjoy excellent taste, but also contribute to a better future.

New York Caffè
CHF 10,95 250 g
New York Caffè Biologico

100% Arabica, 100% organic. Organic coffee New York's Caffè Biologico is a certified organic espresso made from 100% Arabica beans grown organically in Mexico, Honduras and Nicaragua. A typical Italian espresso, medium roasted. Fine fruity notes are best appreciated in an espresso, but this organic coffee is also ideal as a cappuccino.The green coffee is grown by small producer groups that have committed themselves to organic cultivation without the use of artificial fertilisers and pesticides. Organic fertilisers and traditional cultivation methods are used. The cultivation altitudes are between 1000 and 2000 m above sea level.Organically grown coffee does not use fertilisers and pesticides produced by chemical synthesis. Only natural fertilisers and proven agronomic practices, handed down from generation to generation with respect for nature and man, are used. They preserve the soil and intensify its fertility.The story of Caffè New York begins a good 70 years ago in the small town of Montecatini Terme in Tuscany. Ugo Incerpi, owner of the Bar New York, bought a roasting machine at that time in order to be able to offer an exceptional coffee to the select public who came to the spa town for a cure. The coffee was so excellent that word got around in no time. In the 1950s and 1960s, Mr. Incerpi's son-in-law, Oscar Onori, expanded the "one-man roastery" and began to distribute "Caffé New York" to bars and restaurants throughout Tuscany.

La Semeuse
CHF 11,95 2 SIZES
La Semeuse Soleil Levant, organic, Max Havelaar

100% Arabica. Strong and exciting The beans for this 100% Arabica coffee blend come from Colombia, Peru and Indonesia. The coffee is subtle and strong in flavour, with a hint of chocolate. Soleil Levant is organic and certified by Max Havelaar. The Max Havelaar seal of quality stands for fair and living wage trade with producer organisations in disadvantaged regions. This coffee is produced and traded fairly according to strict social criteria and organic farming standards. Thanks to higher prices and long-term trading relationships, farming families can improve their living conditions. By buying a product with the Max Havelaar seal of approval, you are making a personal contribution. The Max Havelaar Foundation (Switzerland), monitors compliance with fair trade criteria.E.S.E : This abbreviation stands for "Easy Serving Espresso" - loosely translated, "Espresso, times quite simply". Provided you have a compatible espresso machine, you get one cup like another, always creamy, always perfect. Simply insert the sachet into the machine, let the water run through, and you're done.Even though Italians claim, not entirely without justification, to have invented espresso, that doesn't mean that we in Switzerland can't roast a good espresso. No one else roasts at an altitude of about 1000 metres above sea level. The lower air pressure ensures that the coffee beans behave differently during roasting than in normal roasting plants. How exactly is a carefully guarded secret of the la Semeuse roastery in La Chaux-de-Fonds.

CHF 12,00 140 g
Kaffa Wild Coffee Medium

E.S.E. Pads. 100% Arabica, Havelaar and organic. A well-tolerated coffee with unusually fine taste nuances.Kaffa Wild Coffee is made exclusively from beans grown wild in the forest and picked by hand. In the mountain rainforests of Bonga in the province of Kaffa in southwestern Ethiopia, wild Arabica coffee plants still grow in an unimaginable variety.Since it is not a matter of pure plantation cultivation as is usually the case, the slightly chequered bean appearance is only logical and, for once, not a sign of poor quality. The precious wild beans are picked by hand by the farmers and dried in the sun. The dried husk is then removed by machine, and the beans are sorted by hand and filled into bags. Kaffa coffee is roasted in Switzerland. ? The wild Kaffa forest coffee has convinced us in such a way and opened up new horizons (taste, origin, project) in several respects. Please support this idea, it is worth it, the coffee too by the way, compared to other varieties in this price range.E.S.E : This abbreviation stands for "Easy Serving Espresso" - loosely translated "Espresso, times quite simply". Provided you have a compatible espresso machine, you get one cup like another, always creamy, always perfect. Simply insert the sachet into the machine, let the water run through and you're done.Thanks to Fairtrade, the working and living conditions of producers living in the most basic conditions are improved. Fairtrade offers them better sales opportunities, more security, stability and self-determination. More information at

Coffee Annan House Blend, 350g Bohnen
CHF 12,00 350 g
Coffee Annan House Blend, 350g Bohnen

Erlebe mit dem Coffee Annan House Blend eine Symphonie ausgeschmacklicher Vielfalt und nachhaltiger Verantwortung. Diese spezielle Mischung aus Arabica und Robusta vereint das Beste aus den fruchtbaren Regionen Ugandas. Geniesse jeden Schluck und spüre, wie die sorgfältig ausgewählten Bohnen nicht nur deinen Gaumen, sondern auch dein Bewusstsein für nachhaltigen Kaffeegenuss bereichern. Der House Blend verführt mit einem harmonischen Aroma von dunkler Schokolade, angereichert mit der natürlichen Süsse von Trockenfrüchten und einem Hauch von Marzipan. Die mittlere Röstung sorgt für wenig Säure und entfaltet die natürlichen Geschmacksnoten jeder Bohne vollständig, was ihn zu einem vollmundigen, intensiv aromatischen Erlebnis macht. Dieser Blend kombiniert 70% Arabica-Bohnen der Sorten SL-14 und SL-28 mit 30% Robusta. Die Arabica-Bohnen werden gewaschen, während die Robusta-Bohnen eine natürliche Aufbereitung erfahren. Angebaut in Höhenlagen zwischen 1800 und 2200 Metern, reflektiert dieser Kaffee die einzigartigen klimatischen und geologischen Bedingungen Ugandas, die ideale Voraussetzungen für den Anbau hochwertiger Kaffeekirschen bieten. Der House Blend ist perfekt für die Zubereitung als Espresso und Cappuccino geeignet, wahlweise im Siebträger oder im Vollautomaten. Die fein abgestimmte Röstung und die qualitativen Bohnen erzeugen eine reichhaltige Crema und ermöglichen eine Vielzahl von Kaffeevariationen, die sowohl pur als auch in Kombination mit Milch überzeugen. Coffee Annan engagiert sich tiefgehend für soziale Verantwortung und ökologische Nachhaltigkeit. Die Kooperation mit der Frauenkooperative Masha Coffee in Uganda und anderen lokalen Partnern unterstützt nicht nur den biologischen Anbau, sondern auch den Ausbau ökologischer Agroforstsysteme, welche die Biodiversität fördern und CO2 binden. Mit jedem Kauf eines Pakets Coffee Annan House Blend unterstützt du direkt diese wichtigen Initiativen und trägst zu einer besseren Welt bei. Geniesse den Coffee Annan House Blend und sei Teil einer Bewegung, die zeigt, dass man hervorragenden Kaffee geniessen und gleichzeitig etwas Gutes tun kann.