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Single Origin: Pure and unique

Discover the purity of single origin coffee. Enjoy the unmistakable flavour from a single growing region.

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Was zeichnet einen Single Origin Kaffee aus?

Exquisite coffee with heart: choose organic and Demeter

Choose from organic and Demeter coffees for unique enjoyment and fair, environmentally friendly cultivation



Drip Roasters Brazil Canta Galo
CHF 17,00 250 g
Drip Roasters Brazil Canta Galo

Dieser reichhaltige und üppige Kaffee zeichnet sich durch eine intensive Süsse aus und bietet eine Fülle von reifen, fruchtigen Nuancen, die an Trauben, Wein, gelegentlich sogar an Rum oder exotische Früchte erinnern. Diese vielfältigen Geschmacksnoten werden von einem herrlich langanhaltenden, blumigen Abgang abgerundet.Canto Galo repräsentiert eine traditionelle Familien-Farm in Campos Altos, im Herzen des Cerrado Mineiro in Minas Gerais, Brasilien. Diese Region zählt zu den höchst gelegenen Kaffeeanbauregionen des Landes und profitiert daher von erstklassigen klimatischen Bedingungen für den Anbau von Kaffee.Die Eigentümer der Farm, Marina do Carmo Santanna de Carvalho und ihr Sohn Heron Reger de Carvalho Junior, bewirtschaften eine Fläche von 48 Hektar, auf der sie verschiedene Kaffeevarietäten anbauen. Obwohl dies im Vergleich zu vielen anderen Kaffeeanbaubetrieben, von denen wir Kaffee beziehen, gross erscheinen mag, ist es in brasilianischem Massstab eher eine kleinere Farm.Der Name "Canta Galo" übersetzt sich als "der Hahn kräht", aber auf den Ländereien der Familie de Carvalho sind nicht nur Hähne und Hühner zu finden. Über 60% des Landes auf Fazenda Canta Galo bleibt unberührt und beherbergt Regenwälder, Wasserfälle und Quellen, die eine bedeutende Rolle bei der langfristigen Erhaltung des örtlichen Ökosystems spielen.Die Familie ist stets bestrebt, die Qualität ihres Kaffees kontinuierlich zu verbessern. Es ist daher nicht überraschend, dass dieser Kaffee bei der 7. jährlichen "Campos Altos and Region Coffee Quality Competition" den vierten Platz in der Kategorie "Pulped Natural" erreicht hat. Dies unterstreicht die Hingabe der Familie de Carvalho an die Qualität ihres Kaffees und ihre Bemühungen, die Kaffeeanbau-Tradition in dieser Region aufrechtzuerhalten.

Demeter coffee versus organic coffee: what's behind it?

Organic coffee and Demeter coffee - two terms that often appear in connection with sustainable coffee enjoyment. But what is the difference? This much can be revealed: Demeter certification includes far stricter guidelines - from compliance with biodynamic production guidelines to a wide range of sustainability aspects.

Why is sustainability so important in coffee production in particular?

Sustainability is the key to ethical, environmentally friendly and future-proof coffee production. But that's not all: sustainable farming methods often lead to higher quality coffee beans with unique flavors, which benefits both producers and consumers. Sustainable practices reduce the use of chemicals, protect soils, preserve biodiversity and protect the climate.

How does organic coffee differ from conventional coffee?

Organic coffee is more than just a drink. It is a statement for environmental awareness, fair trade and pure enjoyment. In contrast to monoculture in conventional cultivation, organic farmers rely on mixed cultivation, which means that coffee plants are allowed to grow together with other plant species. Why is that? This promotes biodiversity and makes the plants more resistant to disease.

Monocultures, on the other hand, harbor serious ecological and economic risks. Focusing on the cultivation of a single plant species over large areas leads to greater susceptibility to diseases and pests and to rapid soil depletion

Coffee plants are very sensitive. Too much heat, but also too much cold, damages them. Moisture is good, but not too much. Coffee farmers like to plant avocado, grapefruit or banana trees, coconut palms or eucalyptus plants next to coffee plants. These mixed cultures ensure that coffee plants are protected from too much sunlight and heavy rainfall.

Organically grown - sustainably enjoyed Conventional coffee cultivation often relies on chemical fertilizers, which provide short-term growth but deplete the soil in the long term. Organic coffee farmers, on the other hand, rely on compost and organic fertilizers. The result? Fertile soils where coffee plants feel right at home.

Fair trade, fair wages Organic coffee stands for fairness not only towards nature, but also towards the coffee farmers. Fair trade practices guarantee fair wages, so that every sip of coffee also bears some social responsibility. Incidentally, unlike conventional coffee, organic farmers harvest their coffee cherries by hand. Industrial harvesting methods are not used.

Do you want to enjoy first-class coffee with a clear conscience and value environmentally friendly cultivation methods and fair conditions? Choose your favorite coffee from our selected range of exquisite organic and Demeter coffees!