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Stylish crockery for your coffee

Discover a large selection of coloured cups for cappuccino, espresso, latte and flat white. Perfect for your coffee enjoyment! Buy now at a favourable price.

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CHF 7,20 5% AB 18
Loveramics Twisted Espresso

Glas ist eine grossartige Alternative zu den Porzellantassen. Es ist ein 100% recyclebares, starkes und nicht poröses Material. Loveramics hat alles, was sie aus dem professionellen Kaffeetassen-Sortiment gelernt haben, in ein neues Kaffeeglas gesteckt. Es hat eine Dicke von 5mm, was die Wärme sehr gut speichert. Es hat eine interessante gedrehte Aussenseite, die das Licht unterschiedlich bricht, mit einem geschwungenen Inneren, das die gleiche Funktion wie die Porzellantasse hat. Die kontinuierliche Kurve lässt die Crema sich voll entfalten und sorgt für ein erstaunliches Mundgefühl.Simon Stevens ist ein preisgekrönter Produktdesigner und eine treibende Kraft im Keramikdesign. Simon hat mit einigen der renommiertesten Keramikhersteller der Welt zusammengearbeitet und hat zu diesem Thema in ganz Grossbritannien gelehrt und Vorträge gehalten. Er hat Design-Teams für Lifestyle-Marken geleitet und setzt nun seine Design-Karriere im etablierten Simon Stevens Design Studio in London fort. Simons dynamische Kreativität führte dazu, dass seine erfolgreichsten Entwürfe in den ständigen Sammlungen des Victoria and Albert Museums und des Frankfurter Museums für angewandte Kunst zu finden sind.Loveramics ist eine zeitgenössische Kollektion von wunderschön gestalteter und dekorierter Keramik. Das Unternehmen glaubt, dass gutes Design ästhetische Handwerkskunst mit Farben und praktischen Nutzen beim Catering für verschiedene Küchen sowie platzsparende Lösungen für urbanes Wohnen umfasst.

CHF 14,80 5% AB 18
Loveramics Espresso Tasse Night Sky

Diese perlenartige dunkelblaue Espresso Tasse mit Unterteller sind von grosser Haltbarkeit und Qualität. Das Innere der Tassen ist so geformt, dass das Giessen des Kaffees besonders begünstigt wird. Nicht umsonst waren sie die offiziellen Wettkampftassen der Barista-Latte-Art-Weltmeisterschaft 2016.Was sind Töpferfarben? Töpferfarben bestehen im Wesentlichen aus zwei Arten von Glasuren, oder aus keramischer Sicht, nennen wir sie reaktive Glasur. Sie reagieren in Ofen bei 1300°C heftig und bilden verschiedene Kristallarten, die Glasurläufe unterscheiden sich stark von den Originalfarben. Da Glasuren unterschiedliche Eigenschaften wie Fliessgeschwindigkeit, Schmelztemperatur und Farben aufweisen, wird das Mischen von zwei Glasuren zu unerwarteten Ergebnissen führen und die Keramik zusätzlich anregen. Nennen wir es Farben der Töpfer.Loveramics ist eine zeitgenössische Kollektion von wunderschön gestalteter und dekorierter Keramik. Das Unternehmen glaubt, dass gutes Design ästhetische Handwerkskunst mit Farben und praktischen Nutzen beim Catering für verschiedene Küchen sowie platzsparende Lösungen für urbanes Wohnen umfasst.Simon Stevens ist ein preisgekrönter Produktdesigner und eine treibende Kraft im Keramikdesign. Simon hat mit einigen der renommiertesten Keramikhersteller der Welt zusammengearbeitet. Er hat Designteams für Lifestyle-Marken geleitet und nun setzt seine eigene Designkarriere um im etablierten Simon Stevens Design Studio mit Sitz in London. Simons dynamische Kreativität führte dazu, dass seine erfolgreichsten Entwürfe in den ständigen Sammlungen des Victoria and Albert Museums und im Frankfurter Museen für Angewandte Kunst zu finden sind.

CHF 14,80 Espresso
Loveramics Espresso Cup Ivory

These pearly ivory coloured espresso cup and saucer are of great durability and quality. The inside of the cups is shaped in such a way that the pouring of the coffee is particularly favoured. It is no coincidence that they were the official competition cups of the 2016 Barista Latte Art World Championship. What are pottery colours? Pottery colours basically consist of two types of glazes, or from a ceramic point of view, we call them reactive glaze. They react violently in kiln at 1300°C and form different types of crystals, the glaze runs are very different from the original colours. Since glazes have different properties such as flow rate, melting temperature and colours, mixing two glazes will give unexpected results and further stimulate the pottery. Let's call it colours of potters.Loveramics is a contemporary collection of beautifully designed and decorated ceramics. The company believes that good design encompasses aesthetic craftsmanship with colour and practicality in catering for a range of kitchens, as well as space-saving solutions for urban living.Simon Stevens is an award-winning product designer and a driving force in ceramic design. Simon has worked with some of the world's most renowned ceramic manufacturers. He has led design teams for lifestyle brands and is now implementing his own design career at the established Simon Stevens Design Studio based in London. Simon's dynamic creativity has led to his most successful designs being in the permanent collections of the Victoria and Albert Museum and Frankfurt's Museum of Applied Arts.

CHF 14,80 5% AB 18
Loveramics Espresso Cup Ice Blue

These pearly ice blue coloured espresso cups with saucers are of great durability and quality. The inside of the cups is shaped in such a way that pouring the coffee is particularly favoured. It is not for nothing that they were the official competition cups of the Barista Latte Art World Championship 2016. What are pottery colours? Pottery colours basically consist of two types of glazes, or from a ceramic point of view, we call them reactive glaze. They react violently in kiln at 1300°C and form different types of crystals, the glaze runs are very different from the original colours. Since glazes have different properties such as flow rate, melting temperature and colours, mixing two glazes will give unexpected results and further stimulate the pottery. Let's call it colours of potters.Loveramics is a contemporary collection of beautifully designed and decorated ceramics. The company believes that good design encompasses aesthetic craftsmanship with colour and practicality in catering for a range of kitchens, as well as space-saving solutions for urban living.Simon Stevens is an award-winning product designer and a driving force in ceramic design. Simon has worked with some of the world's most renowned ceramic manufacturers. He has led design teams for lifestyle brands and is now implementing his own design career at the established Simon Stevens Design Studio based in London. Simon's dynamic creativity has led to his most successful designs being in the permanent collections of the Victoria and Albert Museum and Frankfurt's Museum of Applied Arts.

CHF 14,80 5% AB 18
Loveramics Espresso Cup Basil

These pearl basil coloured espresso cups with saucer are of great durability and quality. The inside of the cups is shaped in such a way that pouring the coffee is particularly favoured. It is no coincidence that they were the official competition cups of the 2016 Barista Latte Art World Championship. What are pottery colours? Pottery colours basically consist of two types of glazes, or from a ceramic point of view, we call them reactive glaze. They react violently in kiln at 1300°C and form different types of crystals, the glaze runs are very different from the original colours. As glazes have different properties such as flow rate, melting temperature and colours, mixing two glazes will give unexpected results and further stimulate the pottery. Let's call it colours of potters.Loveramics is a contemporary collection of beautifully designed and decorated ceramics. The company believes that good design encompasses aesthetic craftsmanship with colour and practicality in catering for a range of kitchens, as well as space-saving solutions for urban living.Simon Stevens is an award-winning product designer and a driving force in ceramic design. Simon has worked with some of the world's most renowned ceramic manufacturers. He has led design teams for lifestyle brands and is now implementing his own design career at the established Simon Stevens Design Studio based in London. Simon's dynamic creativity has led to his most successful designs being in the permanent collections of the Victoria and Albert Museum and Frankfurt's Museum of Applied Arts.