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For a coffee to receive the title of Single Origin, all coffee beans must come from the same growing region and must not be blended with other coffees.

Was zeichnet einen Single Origin Kaffee aus?

Exquisite coffee with heart: choose organic and Demeter

Choose from organic and Demeter coffees for unique enjoyment and fair, environmentally friendly cultivation



CHF 12,50 250 g
Blasercafé, Terroir, Orang Utan Sumatra

Small farmers cultivate coffee gardens in the Gayo highlands in the north of Sumatra according to the strict Orang Utan guidelines. A dark roast, ideally suited for an espresso, cappuccino and latte macchiato, ideal for preparation with an espresso machine, a fully automatic machine, a Bialetti cooker or a French Press. In return, the families receive a premium per kilo of green coffee. With another premium, we support the Sumatran Orang Utan Conservation Programme, which works in partnership with the Indonesian government to protect the Sumatran Orang Utans. The Sumatran Orang Utan Conservation Programme (SOCP) is supported by the Swiss foundation PanEco.The term "terroir" has long since ceased to be reserved for wine. Coffee gets a significant part of its character in its origin. The soil and the climatic conditions shape its aroma, its acids and consequently its overall profile. It is the terroir that gives coffee complexity. When we enjoy the coffee, we experience these special notes that the coffee would not acquire through processing and the specific coffee plant alone.Blasercafé is a Swiss family business based in Bern. The company was founded in 1922 as a small coffee trading business by Walter Blaser in Zurich. Shortly afterwards, they moved to Bern. In the 1930s and 1940s, the coffee was distributed by almost a hundred salesmen who went from house to house with the goods. Even then, green coffee was purchased directly in the country of origin. Today, Blasercafé is one of the largest roasting companies in Switzerland.

Vicafé Orang-Utan, Indonesien
CHF 17,20 350 g
Vicafé Orang-Utan, Indonesien

Öffne deine Sinne für den ViCAFE Orang-Utan Projektkaffee aus Indonesien, eine Tasse voller Bedeutung und intensivem Aroma. Dieser besondere Kaffee unterstützt nicht nur den Erhalt der letzten wilden Orang-Utans im Norden Sumatras, sondern bietet dir auch ein einzigartiges Geschmackserlebnis. Ideal für einen Flat White oder aus der French Press, kannst du diesen Kaffee geniessen und gleichzeitig Gutes tun – bequem per Abo oder einzelner Bestellung.Exotische AromenvielfaltDie Aromen von Orange, Süssholz, Karamell und Marzipan verschmelzen im ViCAFE Orang-Utan Projektkaffee zu einem Geschmackserlebnis, das ebenso exotisch wie nachhaltig ist. Mit einem mittleren Körper und wenig Säure bietet dieser Kaffee ein sanftes, aber dennoch tiefgründiges Aroma, das dich bei jedem Schluck in die üppigen Regenwälder Sumatras entführt und die Sinne belebt.Vielseitig und wohltuendOb als kräftiger Flat White, der die Intensität der Aromen gekonnt mit der Milde der Milch kombiniert, oder als vollmundige French Press, die die Tiefe des Kaffees in den Vordergrund stellt – der ViCAFE Orang-Utan Projektkaffee ist für jede Zubereitungsart geeignet. Seine mittlere Röstung macht ihn zu einem perfekten Begleiter für deine Kaffeepause, egal zu welcher Tageszeit.Trinken für den SchutzJede Tasse des ViCAFE Orang-Utan Projektkaffees trägt direkt zum Schutz der bedrohten Orang-Utans bei. Die Kaffeegärten werden von den Kleinbauernfamilien ökologisch bewirtschaftet und stehen im Einklang mit der Mission, den Regenwald zu erhalten. Mit deiner Wahl unterstützt du nicht nur die Umwelt und die lokale Gemeinschaft, sondern auch das Sumatra Orang-Utan Schutzprogramm, das für jedes Kilogramm Rohkaffee eine Prämie erhält. Geniesse deinen Kaffee mit dem Wissen, dass du einen Unterschied machst.

Demeter coffee versus organic coffee: what's behind it?

Organic coffee and Demeter coffee - two terms that often appear in connection with sustainable coffee enjoyment. But what is the difference? This much can be revealed: Demeter certification includes far stricter guidelines - from compliance with biodynamic production guidelines to a wide range of sustainability aspects.

Why is sustainability so important in coffee production in particular?

Sustainability is the key to ethical, environmentally friendly and future-proof coffee production. But that's not all: sustainable farming methods often lead to higher quality coffee beans with unique flavors, which benefits both producers and consumers. Sustainable practices reduce the use of chemicals, protect soils, preserve biodiversity and protect the climate.

How does organic coffee differ from conventional coffee?

Organic coffee is more than just a drink. It is a statement for environmental awareness, fair trade and pure enjoyment. In contrast to monoculture in conventional cultivation, organic farmers rely on mixed cultivation, which means that coffee plants are allowed to grow together with other plant species. Why is that? This promotes biodiversity and makes the plants more resistant to disease.

Monocultures, on the other hand, harbor serious ecological and economic risks. Focusing on the cultivation of a single plant species over large areas leads to greater susceptibility to diseases and pests and to rapid soil depletion

Coffee plants are very sensitive. Too much heat, but also too much cold, damages them. Moisture is good, but not too much. Coffee farmers like to plant avocado, grapefruit or banana trees, coconut palms or eucalyptus plants next to coffee plants. These mixed cultures ensure that coffee plants are protected from too much sunlight and heavy rainfall.

Organically grown - sustainably enjoyed Conventional coffee cultivation often relies on chemical fertilizers, which provide short-term growth but deplete the soil in the long term. Organic coffee farmers, on the other hand, rely on compost and organic fertilizers. The result? Fertile soils where coffee plants feel right at home.

Fair trade, fair wages Organic coffee stands for fairness not only towards nature, but also towards the coffee farmers. Fair trade practices guarantee fair wages, so that every sip of coffee also bears some social responsibility. Incidentally, unlike conventional coffee, organic farmers harvest their coffee cherries by hand. Industrial harvesting methods are not used.

Do you want to enjoy first-class coffee with a clear conscience and value environmentally friendly cultivation methods and fair conditions? Choose your favorite coffee from our selected range of exquisite organic and Demeter coffees!