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Perfect for mocha and French press

Discover finely ground coffee for Bialetti, mocha pot and French press. Perfect beans for intense flavour. Enjoy ground coffee now!

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Für was ist vorgemahlener Kaffee gut geeignet?


Experience the incomparable pleasure of our coffee, freshly roasted every Monday and sent to your home just two days later.

The next roasting day is in:


CHF 7,95 250 g
Illycafé Gourmet Napoli, ground

100% Arabica. For espresso and ristretto Illycafé offers something special. Here you can order one and the same bean blend in three different roasting degrees. Illycafé consists exclusively of Arabica beans grown at high altitudes in Central and South America and in East Africa on selected, small fazendas. An optical sorting system makes it possible to check every single coffee bean. Only those beans that meet the strict quality requirements find their way to the roasting plant.And as already mentioned, three different roasts are now made: Venezia stands for northern Italian mild, Milano for typical Italian, Napoli for southern Italian racy. The Napoli roast offered here is dark, the taste is intense and spicy. An espresso for connoisseurs. But cappuccino lovers will not be disappointed by this Caffè either.The Illycafé Gourmet line is UTZ Certified. Utz Certified supports growers with knowledge about good farming practices and shares information about the global coffee market. The certification gives coffee growers a stronger market position as a result of increasing demand for certified coffee. Roasters who buy Utz Certified certified coffee know exactly where it was produced, as Utz Certified ensures the traceability of the coffee from grower to roaster. When you see the Utz Certified logo on your coffee, you know it has been produced responsibly. You can continue to enjoy the same brand with the same quality. In addition, you can be confident that your brand guarantees responsibility for low-impact farming practices. " more about Utz CertifiedIllycafé has been roasting in Thalwil on Lake Zurich since 1939. The company imports beans in particular from Central and South America, East Africa, Indonesia and India. These are then blended and roasted on the left bank of Lake Zurich according to secret recipes.

CHF 7,95 250 g
Illycafé Gourmet Venezia, ground

100% Arabica. For espresso and café crème Illycafé offers something special. Here you can order one and the same bean blend in three different degrees of roast. Illycafé consists exclusively of Arabica beans grown at high altitudes in Central and South America and in East Africa on selected, small fazendas. An optical sorting system makes it possible to check every single coffee bean. Only those beans that meet the strict quality requirements find their way to the roasting plant.And as already mentioned, three different roasts are now made: Venezia stands for northern Italian mild, Milano for typical Italian, Napoli for southern Italian racy. The Venezia roast offered here is rather light, wonderfully mild and digestible. Ideal for Caffè Lungo/Café Crème, but also as a cappuccino, the coffee flavour remains intact.The Illycafé Gourmet line is UTZ Certified. UTZ Certified supports growers with knowledge about good farming practices and shares information about the global coffee market. The certification gives coffee growers a stronger market position as a result of increasing demand for certified coffee. Roasters who buy Utz Certified certified coffee know exactly where it was produced, as Utz Certified ensures the traceability of the coffee from grower to roaster. When you see the Utz Certified logo on your coffee, you know it has been produced responsibly. You can continue to enjoy the same brand with the same quality. In addition, you can be confident that your brand guarantees responsibility for low-impact farming practices. " more about Utz CertifiedIllycafé has been roasting in Thalwil on Lake Zurich since 1939. The company imports beans in particular from Central and South America, East Africa, Indonesia and India. These are then blended and roasted on the left bank of Lake Zurich according to secret recipes.

Kaffa Wildkaffee Decaffeinato, Medium, 20 Pads
CHF 13,40 140 g
Kaffa Wildkaffee Decaffeinato, Medium, 20 Pads

Ausgewogen im Geschmack mit Noten von Haselnuss und Biskuit. 100% Arabica, Havelaar und Bio. Ein besonders gut verträglicher vollmundiger Espresso, würzig mit feiner Säure.Kaffa Wildkaffee wird ausschliesslich aus im Wald wild gewachsenen und von Hand gepflückten Bohnen hergestellt. In den Bergregenwäldern von Bonga in der Provinz Kaffa im Südwesten Äthiopiens wachsen noch heute wilde Arabica Kaffeepflanzen in einer ungeahnten Sortenvielfalt.Da es sich nicht um sortenreinen Plantagenanbau wie sonst üblich handelt, ist das leicht scheckige Bohnenbild nur logisch und ausnahmsweise mal kein Anzeichen für mangelnde Qualität. Die kostbaren wilden Bohnen werden von den Bauern von Hand gepflückt und an der Sonne getrocknet. Die eingetrocknete Schale wird anschliessend maschinell entfernt, die Bohnen handsortiert und in Säcke abgefüllt. Kaffa Kaffee wird in der Schweiz geröstet.?? Der wilde Kaffa Waldkaffee hat uns derartig überzeugt und uns dabei gleich in mehrfacher Hinsicht neue Horizonte (Geschmack, Herkunft, Projekt) geöffnet. Bitte unterstützen Sie diese Idee, sie ist es wert, der Kaffee übrigens auch, verglichen mit anderen Sorten dieser Preisklasse. Dank Fairtrade verbessern sich die Arbeits- und Lebensbedingungen der in einfachsten Verhältnissen lebenden Produzenten. Fairtrade bietet ihnen bessere Absatzchancen, mehr Sicherheit, Stabilität und Selbstbestimmung. Mehr Info unter


Freshness is a big issue in the food industry. Fresh vegetables from the market, fresh eggs straight from the farm, fresh coffee from the roastery or the coffee centre. But what does "freshness" mean and how does coffee stay fresh the longest?


  • Enemies of coffee: air, humidity, heat, light and time
  • Optimal period of enjoyment
    • Espresso: 2 weeks to 3 months from roasting date
    • Filter: 1 week to 2 months from roasting date
  • If no roasting date is known: expiry date minus 9 months

  • Store in a dry, dark and cool place; best in the original packaging
  • Grind beans fresh
  • Keep coffee machine and grinder clean


Freshness is a big issue in the food industry. Fresh vegetables from the market, fresh eggs straight from the farm, fresh coffee from the roastery or the coffee centre. But what does "freshness" mean and how does coffee stay fresh the longest?