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For a coffee to receive the title of Single Origin, all coffee beans must come from the same growing region and must not be blended with other coffees.

Was zeichnet einen Single Origin Kaffee aus?

Exquisite coffee with heart: choose organic and Demeter

Choose from organic and Demeter coffees for unique enjoyment and fair, environmentally friendly cultivation



Rast Kaffee
CHF 7,50 250 g
Rast Malaba, Mysore, India

Malabar is grown in the Indian district of Kerala. After harvesting, it is first exposed to the monsoon rains for 5 days to moisten it and then dried by the monsoon winds for 7 weeks.When coffee was still transported by sailing ships, a journey from India to Europe took about six months. Due to the change in climate, the green coffee beans changed in colour, size and taste. Today, Indian coffee growers use the monsoon to produce a speciality coffee that has exactly these characteristics - without any time delay. The traditional process of "monsooning" is carried out in Malabar, a region located on the west coast of India north of the city of Cochin. The Malabar region is known for its nature and lush wildlife.The humid monsoon climate causes the changes in the weight and characteristics of the coffee beans, which produce the unique soft and low-acid taste. The "monsooning" process takes place during the months of June to September, when the south-west monsoon winds are at their strongest. The coffee beans are sorted, graded "A Grade" and exposed to the hot and humid climate on well-ventilated cement floors of small drying houses in layers of 10 to 15 cm thickness. This causes them to swell with increasing humidity, so that the original moisture content increases from about 12-14 per cent to about 16-20 per cent. In addition, the beans take on their characteristic straw-yellow to beige colour. The coffee beans are then loosely filled into jute bags and stacked with sufficient distance between them to allow the monsoon to circulate better around the bags and to ensure that the moisture content is about the same in all the beans. During this process, the coffee develops its special taste and smell. The best coffee for a sensitive stomach.Malabar is grown in the Indian district of Kerala. After harvesting, it is first exposed to the monsoon rains for 5 days to moisten it and then dried by the monsoon winds for 7 weeks to obtain its distinctive, distinct and smooth taste. A very well tolerated coffee, without acidity, with a spicy, powerful body, soft and full-bodied. The best coffee for a sensitive stomach.

Rast Kaffee
CHF 8,00 250 g
Rast Sigri, Plantation Estate, India

The Sigri plantation is located in the Wahgi Valley in the Western Highlands province of Papua New Guinea. The Western Highlands belonged to the German colony of German New Guinea (1884 - 1914), and the capital Mount Hagen was named after the German administrator Kurt von Haagen. The island of Papua New Guinea lies directly below the equator and is therefore predestined for the cultivation of high-quality coffee. Coffee cultivation only began in Papua New Guinea in 1889. Around 1927, coffee seeds of the world-famous "Jamaica Blue Mountain" coffee were smuggled to Papua New Guinea and planted there.Sigri Estate Plantation grows at 1500 m.a.s.l. in a cool climate with high rainfall. The cherries are harvested by hand, the green beans are dried in the sun after the fermentation process. The coffee smells of ripe grapefruits, has nutty and slightly fruity aromas and a full body.The Sigri plantation is located in the Whagi Valley in the Western Highlands province of Papua New Guinea. Western Highlands belonged to the German colony of German New Guinea (1884?1914), the capital Mount Hagen was named after the German administrator Kurt von Haagen.The island of Papua New Guinea lies directly below the equator and is therefore predestined for the cultivation of high-quality coffee. Coffee cultivation on Papua New Guinea only began in 1889. Around 1927, coffee seeds from the world-famous Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee were smuggled to Papua New Guinea and planted there.Sigri Estate Plantation grows at 1,500 m.a.s.l. in a cool climate with high rainfall. The cherries are harvested by hand and the green beans are dried in the sun after the fermentation process.

Café Tacuba
CHF 8,00 250 g
Café Tacuba, Los laureles La Familia Producer: Manolo Gonzalez

The coffee farm Los Laureles was founded by Mathilde Gonzalez, Manolo's grandmother. In 1932, she started planting coffee. Great importance was always attached to a natural environment. The preservation of the great diversity of species and plants was a high priority from the beginning. The farm, which covers about 8 hectares, is located at 850 metres above sea level in the Tacuba region of El Salvador. More than 120 different tree varieties grow on the farm. The great variety of plants in turn attracts many animals. The small river that surrounds the farm also ensures a completely intact ecosystem.Los Laureles is thus our showcase farm for sustainable coffee cultivation in harmony with nature. During Manolo's absence, his father, Osiris Gonzalez, is responsible for the farm. Depending on the season, there are different numbers of employees working on the farm. Long-time employee Abel Garcia is on the farm all year round. Thanks to his valuable work, the diverse ecosystem is preserved and the farm retains all its charm.Café Tacuba is a small micro-roasting company from Lucerne. Founding members are Manolo, Amin and Nikolaj. Manolo is a coffee producer from El Salvador and owns his own coffee plantation there. During the harvest, he visits the farms in El Salvador for a long time and buys coffee from his family and friends. In the small restaurant in Lucerne, where coffee can be drunk and beans bought at the same time, they are then roasted on the small 5kg Probat machine. Manolo then takes great pleasure in presenting the different coffees to the customers and advising them.Transparency is very important to Café Tacuba. The coffees can be traced back to the respective coffee farmer. We maintain a friendly relationship with them and strive for long-term cooperation. The single origin coffees are all handpicked and of the highest quality. By purchasing directly from the coffee farmers, Café Tacuba is able to provide a fair wage for all those involved in the value chain and thus helps to counteract poverty in El Salvador.

Rast Kaffee
CHF 8,80 250 g
Rast Buena Vista

100% Arabica, medium roast, washed. Antigua, La Ceiba Located in the heart of the Americas, Guatemala overwhelms the whole world with its climate and cultural richness. From the grandeur of the ancient Mayan ruins in the northern jungles of Tikal to the beautiful beaches and mangroves of southern Monterico, from the volcanic lagoons of eastern Chiquimula to the picturesque highlands of western Huhuetenango. Guatemala is truly a country of colourful diversity and beauty. The country is divided by green mountains, deep valleys and ancient volcanoes, some of them still active today. LA CEIBA coffee comes from the area where the charming colonial city of Antigua is located. Antigua is Guatemala's biggest tourist attraction, blessed with spectacular scenery nestled between three fascinating volcanoes; the majestic Agua (3766 m), the impressive Actenango (3976 m) and the still active Fuego (3763 m). This magnificent landscape, with vast, fertile volcanic soil (nitrogen and potassium), and its unique dry climate, gives the most optimal conditions to produce one of the best coffees in the world.The coffee is planted on small farms and processed in the traditional way, this as the basis for the exquisite quality. Antigua LA CEIBA comes from a highland valley (1500 m) near Sacatepéquez and is by far the highest quality Guatemalan coffee.Antigua LA CEIBA stands out due to its above-average fullness of flavour, full body, finest, light acidity and exquisite, rich aroma of hazelnuts to bittersweet chocolate. The harmonious mildness makes it very pleasant and digestible.

Rast Kaffee
CHF 9,30 250 g
Rest Vilcabamba, Ecuador

In the south of Ecuador, in an idyllic high valley at 1500 metres above sea level, surrounded by mighty mountains, lies the small village of Vilcabamba. In Quechua, the language of the Incas, the name means "The Sacred Valley". And indeed, this place is under a special blessing: Nowhere else in the western world are there so many people who live to be well over 100 years old and enjoy the best of health.Generations of scientists and doctors have already tried to find the secret of longevity in Vilcabamba. Perhaps the ideal climate between 18 and 22 degrees and the mineral-rich water of the two rivers Vilcabamba and Chamba act as an elixir of life. Or it is the particularly good air, purified by the mysterious plant Huilco, which gives people extraordinary powers. A clear explanation could never be found. All that is certain is that in this place, far from the daily hustle and bustle and stress, visitors from all over the world come to rest and let themselves be infected by the harmonious togetherness and joie de vivre of the people of Vilcabamba.The small farmers of Vilcabamba grow the best Arabica coffee on the mountain slopes of this magical place, which is also a luxury food of great value for themselves. For this, the families pick only the ripe, red coffee cherries at harvest time between June and October, which are washed in the water of the nearby mountain rivers and freed from their pulp. Afterwards, the coffee cherries are slowly dried in the sun and carefully sorted by hand. The result is coffee of outstanding quality.As the cultivation of coffee in Vilcabamba is primarily manual work and a "family affair", only small quantities of this coffee are produced year after year.Freshly roasted, Vilcabamba impresses the coffee connoisseur at first with its wine-like refreshing aroma, its intense flavour, its syrupy body and its balanced acidity.

CHF 9,80 220 g
Swipala Café la Perla Boliven

100% Arabica. Grand Cru: a real rarityCafé la perla is a single-origin Arabica coffee from Caranavi, in the Bolivian highlands. While two beans normally ripen in a coffee cherry, in rare cases only one is formed, the pearl bean. The pearl bean is a special coffee bean, a real rarity, which grows individually in a normally double-studded coffee cherry, spreading out in all directions and thus acquiring its characteristic round shape. All the aromas are concentrated in this one bean and give it this intense flavour when roasted.Café la perla is an excellent organic Arabica coffee from the Caranavi region in the subtropical eastern slopes of the Andes in Bolivia. The coffee is grown by a cooperative on a single plot (finca y micro-lote). The pearl beans are then sorted out by hand. This special selection guarantees a fantastic quality of the green coffee.The coffee is certified organic and is roasted and packaged as Grand Cru at the Oetterli roasting house in Solothurn, an organic roasting house. Gentle roasting in a drum roaster in small batches guarantees top quality coffee and freshness.The owners of the Bernese company swipala GmbH worked for 2 years in Bolivia with the small farmers. Today, swipala buys the green coffee directly from the producer families (without intermediaries) and pays extra premiums for the special selection and organic cultivation. swipala maintains the cooperation with the Bolivian partners on the basis of the Fairtrade specifications. As many value-adding activities as possible are carried out in the country of origin. For example, the packaging was drawn by a Bolivian artist.

Maillardos, Brazil Fazenda Lagoa
CHF 10,00 250 g
Maillardos, Brazil Fazenda Lagoa

Experience a coffee that combines tradition and quality with Maillardo's Brazil Fazenda Lagoa. Produced by the Vieira family, who have been growing coffee in Monte Belo, in the heart of Sul de Minas, for over a century. Maillardo's Brazil Fazenda Lagoa offers a rich flavor profile. Feel the deep, nutty aromas that blend harmoniously with subtle cocoa notes. This coffee is a feast for the senses, perfect for lovers of a full-bodied yet balanced taste experience.Versatility is the be-all and end-all of Maillardo's Brazil Fazenda Lagoa. Whether you prefer a strong espresso from the Bialetti, a smooth coffee from the Aeropress, a classic portafilter espresso, a gentle cup from the French press, a finely filtered coffee or an elegant Chemex brew - this coffee adapts to your style and unfolds its full aroma in every preparation methodFazenda Lagoa is located at an altitude of 900 to 1100 meters and extends over 210 hectares of coffee-growing land. The Vieira family is committed to sustainable coffee production and the preservation of 600 hectares of forest, which provides a habitat for numerous bird species. With varieties such as Mundo Novo, Catuai, Icatu and Bourbon and the elaborate "pulped natural" processing method, the Vieira family creates a bridge between consumers and producers, thus guaranteeing the exceptional quality of this specialty coffee.The Maillardos roastery stands for passion, sustainability and quality. Inspired by Louis Camille Maillard and the Maillard reaction, the team is dedicated to the gentle and careful roasting of specialty coffees. Each cup is the result of dedication and craftsmanship. The roastery pays attention to sustainable cultivation methods, traceability and supports smaller producers. The 8-16 minute refinement process and regular tastings guarantee consistent quality. Maillardos is committed to sustainable development, including the use of recyclable packaging and an energy-efficient roasting machine

Demeter coffee versus organic coffee: what's behind it?

Organic coffee and Demeter coffee - two terms that often appear in connection with sustainable coffee enjoyment. But what is the difference? This much can be revealed: Demeter certification includes far stricter guidelines - from compliance with biodynamic production guidelines to a wide range of sustainability aspects.

Why is sustainability so important in coffee production in particular?

Sustainability is the key to ethical, environmentally friendly and future-proof coffee production. But that's not all: sustainable farming methods often lead to higher quality coffee beans with unique flavors, which benefits both producers and consumers. Sustainable practices reduce the use of chemicals, protect soils, preserve biodiversity and protect the climate.

How does organic coffee differ from conventional coffee?

Organic coffee is more than just a drink. It is a statement for environmental awareness, fair trade and pure enjoyment. In contrast to monoculture in conventional cultivation, organic farmers rely on mixed cultivation, which means that coffee plants are allowed to grow together with other plant species. Why is that? This promotes biodiversity and makes the plants more resistant to disease.

Monocultures, on the other hand, harbor serious ecological and economic risks. Focusing on the cultivation of a single plant species over large areas leads to greater susceptibility to diseases and pests and to rapid soil depletion

Coffee plants are very sensitive. Too much heat, but also too much cold, damages them. Moisture is good, but not too much. Coffee farmers like to plant avocado, grapefruit or banana trees, coconut palms or eucalyptus plants next to coffee plants. These mixed cultures ensure that coffee plants are protected from too much sunlight and heavy rainfall.

Organically grown - sustainably enjoyed Conventional coffee cultivation often relies on chemical fertilizers, which provide short-term growth but deplete the soil in the long term. Organic coffee farmers, on the other hand, rely on compost and organic fertilizers. The result? Fertile soils where coffee plants feel right at home.

Fair trade, fair wages Organic coffee stands for fairness not only towards nature, but also towards the coffee farmers. Fair trade practices guarantee fair wages, so that every sip of coffee also bears some social responsibility. Incidentally, unlike conventional coffee, organic farmers harvest their coffee cherries by hand. Industrial harvesting methods are not used.

Do you want to enjoy first-class coffee with a clear conscience and value environmentally friendly cultivation methods and fair conditions? Choose your favorite coffee from our selected range of exquisite organic and Demeter coffees!