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Single Origin: Pure and unique

Discover the purity of single origin coffee. Enjoy the unmistakable flavour from a single growing region.

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Was zeichnet einen Single Origin Kaffee aus?

Exquisite coffee with heart: choose organic and Demeter

Choose from organic and Demeter coffees for unique enjoyment and fair, environmentally friendly cultivation



Maillardos, Ethiopia Shantawene
CHF 13,00 250 g
Maillardos, Ethiopia Shantawene

Discover Maillardos Ethiopia Shantawene, an outstanding masterpiece of Ethiopian coffee craftsmanship. Sourced from altitudes of 2000 to 2400 metres, this coffee brings the true spirit of Ethiopia directly into your cup. Immerse yourself in a flavour experience that transports you to distant worlds. Maillardo's Ethiopia Shantawene unfolds an exciting combination of strawberry and floral notes, complemented by nuances of chocolate and lime. This coffee is a feast for the senses, perfect for connoisseurs looking for an exceptional coffee experience.Maillardo's Ethiopia Shantawene is versatile and suits your favourite preparation method. Whether Bialetti, Aeropress, portafilter, French press, filter or Chemex - this coffee unfolds its characteristic charm in every method. Experiment and find your own personal way to enjoy this exceptional coffee.Behind this coffee is the passion and expertise of the brothers Asefa and Mulugeta Dukamo, who founded Daye Bensa in 2006. Their commitment to sustainability and quality, coupled with their collaboration with small farmers and the local Hawassa University, makes this coffee something very special. With its 7th place at the Cup of Excellence in Ethiopia, Maillardos Ethiopia Shantawene confirms its excellence and invites you to become part of this inspiring coffee journey.The Maillardos roastery stands for passion, sustainability and quality. Inspired by Louis Camille Maillard and the Maillard reaction, the team is dedicated to the gentle and careful roasting of speciality coffees. Each cup is the result of dedication and craftsmanship. The roastery pays attention to sustainable cultivation methods, traceability and supports smaller producers. The 8-16 minute refinement process and regular tastings guarantee consistent quality. Maillardos is committed to sustainable development, including the use of recyclable packaging and an energy-efficient roasting machine.

New York Caffè
CHF 12,40 250 g
New York Etiopia

100% Arabica. Mocha from Ethiopia Ethiopia is the home of coffee. Even today, there are still wild coffee trees here that form entire forests. Coffee grows mainly at altitudes of 1200 - 1900 metres. Only Arabicas are harvested, which are among the best in the world. They are usually 'incorporated' into a blend - if at all - to support other varieties. Only very few roasters offer pure Ethiopian coffee. Like here, for example, from Caffè New York. The highland bean convinces with its fine aroma and subtle flavour. The actually well-balanced acidity can sometimes become a little more dominant with this country roast. Similar to wine, there are differences in taste with single-origin coffees depending on the harvest. In any case, this roast is an interplay between mild and wild, paired with an irresistible aroma and pronounced body. As a café crème, it is in a class of its own; as an espresso, it is a real experience. It also tastes great in a cappuccino, but the milk covers up many subtleties.The story of Caffè New York began a good 70 years ago in the small town of Montecatini Terme in Tuscany. Ugo Incerpi, owner of the Bar New York, bought a roasting machine in order to be able to offer an exceptional coffee to the select clientele who came to the spa town for a cure. The coffee was so excellent that word got around in no time. In the 1950s and 1960s, Mr. Incerpi's son-in-law, Oscar Onori, expanded the "one-man roastery" and began to distribute "Caffé New York" to bars and restaurants throughout Tuscany.

Packaging Stoll Coffee - Single Origin Ethiopia
CHF 12,50 250 g
Stoll Beshasha

Ausgewogen in der Tasse mit einer saftigen Säure und Noten von Zitrusfrüchten, Beeren und einem schönen blumigen Duft.Dieser Limu Grade 1 hat alle gewünschten Eigenschaften der Region in der Tasse ist er hell, sauber und saftig. Grossartig für einen komplexen "gewaschenen" Espresso oder Filter.Tief im Westen Äthiopiens in der Zone Jimma, hinter der Stadt Agaro, liegt Genji Challa. Eine kleine Verwaltungszone, die ihren Namen von einem Challa benannt wurde, der einst der Gouverneur dieses Gebiets war. Die Bauern, die Beshasha - eine der erfolgreichsten Kooperativen in der Region - gegründet haben, wählten diesen Ort. Die Bauern, die Beshasha - eine der erfolgreichsten Kooperativen in der Region - gegründet haben, wählten diesen Namen als eine Art Herausforderung oder Ziel für sich selbst. Jimma war ein Gebiet, das zum Synonym für "Jimma 5" geworden war, eine minderwertiger, natürlich verarbeiteter, kommerzieller Kaffee, für den auf dem minimale Preise auf dem internen und internationalen Markt erzielt. Die Mitglieder von Nano Challa hatten sich vorgenommen, das zu ändern. Sie gründeten die Gruppe um den Zusammenhalt zu fördern und gute Käufer für ihren Kaffee zu finden, die Schulden zu verringern und die Produktionsstandards zu verbessern. Die meisten Beshasha-Bauern haben 2 bis 3 Hektar Land, einige einige haben kleinere Parzellen, andere größere. Das Land - in der Nähe der Wiege des Kaffees - eignet sich perfekt für den Anbau von Kaffeebäumen. Die meisten Parzellen liegen auf einer Höhe zwischen 1'850 und 2'100 Metern über dem Meeresspiegel.

Vicafé Miju, Äthiopien
CHF 17,70 350 g
Vicafé Miju, Äthiopien

Erlebe mit dem ViCAFE Miju einen Single Origin Kaffee aus Äthiopien, der von Alemayehu Daniel, seinem Brüderkreis und deren Familien mit Hingabe und Sorgfalt angebaut wird. Diese Bio-Kaffeebohnen, die in der Höhe von 2050 Metern über dem Meeresspiegel reifen, sind ein Meisterwerk trockener Aufbereitung und bieten dir ein einzigartiges Geschmackserlebnis, das so rein und unverfälscht ist wie der Boden, auf dem sie wachsen.Lebendige AromenFühle, wie jeder Schluck des ViCAFE Miju deine Sinne mit den lebendigen Noten von Beeren, Zitronengras und Eukalyptus umspielt. Der mittlere Körper und die hohe Säure dieses Kaffees harmonieren perfekt und kreieren ein intensives, fast tänzerisches Aromaprofil. Die helle Röstung hebt die natürlichen Geschmacksnoten hervor und verleiht dem Kaffee eine angenehme Frische und Klarheit.Perfektion im DetailDer ViCAFE Miju ist ein wahrer Genuss für Kenner und lässt sich hervorragend in einem Pour-Over oder einer French Press zubereiten, um die komplexen Aromen voll zur Entfaltung zu bringen. Diese Zubereitungsarten betonen die feinen Nuancen und die hohe Säure, die diesen äthiopischen Kaffee auszeichnen. Geniesse ihn als erfrischenden Start in den Tag oder als edlen Abschluss eines feinen Dinners.Nachhaltigkeit und TraditionHinter jeder Tasse ViCAFE Miju steht die Familie von Alemayehu Daniel, die mit Leidenschaft und Respekt für die Traditionen ihre Farm in der Region Chelbes, Gedeb Woreda, Yirgacheffe bewirtschaftet. Mit dem Kauf dieses Kaffees unterstützt du nicht nur nachhaltige Anbaumethoden und faire Arbeitsbedingungen, sondern auch das Erbe und die Zukunft einer Familie, die Kaffee mit Stolz und Qualitätsbewusstsein anbaut. Geniesse die Exzellenz von Grade 1, ungewaschen verarbeitetem Kaffee und sei Teil einer Geschichte, die über Generationen reicht.

Demeter coffee versus organic coffee: what's behind it?

Organic coffee and Demeter coffee - two terms that often appear in connection with sustainable coffee enjoyment. But what is the difference? This much can be revealed: Demeter certification includes far stricter guidelines - from compliance with biodynamic production guidelines to a wide range of sustainability aspects.

Why is sustainability so important in coffee production in particular?

Sustainability is the key to ethical, environmentally friendly and future-proof coffee production. But that's not all: sustainable farming methods often lead to higher quality coffee beans with unique flavors, which benefits both producers and consumers. Sustainable practices reduce the use of chemicals, protect soils, preserve biodiversity and protect the climate.

How does organic coffee differ from conventional coffee?

Organic coffee is more than just a drink. It is a statement for environmental awareness, fair trade and pure enjoyment. In contrast to monoculture in conventional cultivation, organic farmers rely on mixed cultivation, which means that coffee plants are allowed to grow together with other plant species. Why is that? This promotes biodiversity and makes the plants more resistant to disease.

Monocultures, on the other hand, harbor serious ecological and economic risks. Focusing on the cultivation of a single plant species over large areas leads to greater susceptibility to diseases and pests and to rapid soil depletion

Coffee plants are very sensitive. Too much heat, but also too much cold, damages them. Moisture is good, but not too much. Coffee farmers like to plant avocado, grapefruit or banana trees, coconut palms or eucalyptus plants next to coffee plants. These mixed cultures ensure that coffee plants are protected from too much sunlight and heavy rainfall.

Organically grown - sustainably enjoyed Conventional coffee cultivation often relies on chemical fertilizers, which provide short-term growth but deplete the soil in the long term. Organic coffee farmers, on the other hand, rely on compost and organic fertilizers. The result? Fertile soils where coffee plants feel right at home.

Fair trade, fair wages Organic coffee stands for fairness not only towards nature, but also towards the coffee farmers. Fair trade practices guarantee fair wages, so that every sip of coffee also bears some social responsibility. Incidentally, unlike conventional coffee, organic farmers harvest their coffee cherries by hand. Industrial harvesting methods are not used.

Do you want to enjoy first-class coffee with a clear conscience and value environmentally friendly cultivation methods and fair conditions? Choose your favorite coffee from our selected range of exquisite organic and Demeter coffees!