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Try Blasercafé the Bernese coffee roastery

Discover the world of coffee with Blasercafé, the Bernese roastery that has been family-run since 1922. Step into a world where tradition meets modernity and passion for coffee is in every bean.

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Blasercafé, Lilla e Rose, Alu free
CHF 9,00 5% AB 18
Blasercafé, Lilla e Rose, Alu free

80% Arabica. Trendy blend for the barista scene. E.S.E. pads loosely packed in an aluminium-free bag. Lilla e Rose has already won national barista championships four times. The coffee is perfectly balanced in taste with a clearly noticeable sweetness.This top blend impresses with its full character, which it gets from coffees from countries of origin such as Indonesia, Ethiopia or Haiti. The addition of high-quality Robusta from Java gives the blend an extra breed. The connoisseur can discover spice aromas such as vanilla or caramel, fruits such as tree nuts and citrus as well as roasted grain aromas. Heavy-bodied and perfectly balanced in terms of acidity, bitterness and aroma, Lilla e Rose offers full enjoyment in espresso, café crème or milk drinks - ideal for preparation on fully and semi-automatic coffee machines.E.S.E : This abbreviation stands for "Easy Serving Espresso" - loosely translated, "Espresso, times quite simply". Provided you have a compatible espresso machine, you get one cup like another, always creamy, always perfect. Simply place the sachet in the machine, let the water run through and you're done.Composition : Santos Blaser Dulce / Guaxupe, Brazil, Arabica unwashed Columbia Excelso, Columbia, Arabica washed Indonesia Sumatra, Indonesia, Arabica unwashed Indonesia Java Robusta, Indonesia, Robusta washed Indonesia Lintung, Indonesia, Arabica semi-washed (without Ferm.) Ethiopia Djimmah, Ethiopia, Arabica unwashed Haiti XXXXX, Haiti, Arabica unwashed India Plantation, India, Arabica semi-washed (without Ferm.)Blasercafé is a Swiss family business based in Bern. The company was founded in 1922 as a small coffee trading business by Walter Blaser in Zurich. Shortly afterwards, the company moved to Bern. In the 1930s and 1940s, the coffee was distributed by almost a hundred salesmen who went from house to house with the goods. Even then, green coffee was purchased directly in the country of origin. Today, Blasercafé is one of the largest roasting companies in Switzerland.

Blasercafé, Lilla e Rose
CHF 9,00 3 SIZES
Blasercafé, Lilla e Rose

80% Arabica. Trendy blend for the barista scene Lilla e Rose has already won national barista championships four times. The coffee is perfectly balanced in taste with a clearly noticeable sweetness.This top blend impresses with its full character, which it gets from coffees from countries of origin such as Indonesia, Ethiopia or Haiti. The addition of high-quality Robusta from Java gives the blend an extra breed. The connoisseur can discover spice aromas such as vanilla or caramel, fruits such as tree nuts and citrus as well as roasted grain aromas. Heavy-bodied and perfectly balanced in terms of acidity, bitterness and aroma, Lilla e Rose offers full enjoyment in espresso, café crème or milk drinks - ideal for preparation on fully and semi-automatic coffee machines.E.S.E : This abbreviation stands for "Easy Serving Espresso" - loosely translated, "Espresso, times quite simply". Provided you have a compatible espresso machine, you get one cup like another, always creamy, always perfect. Simply place the sachet in the machine, let the water run through and you're done.Composition : Santos Blaser Dulce / Guaxupe, Brazil, Arabica unwashed Columbia Excelso, Columbia, Arabica washed Indonesia Sumatra, Indonesia, Arabica unwashed Indonesia Java Robusta, Indonesia, Robusta washed Indonesia Lintung, Indonesia, Arabica semi-washed (without Ferm.) Ethiopia Djimmah, Ethiopia, Arabica unwashed Haiti XXXXX, Haiti, Arabica unwashed India Plantation, India, Arabica semi-washed (without Ferm.)Blasercafé is a Swiss family business based in Bern. The company was founded in 1922 as a small coffee trading business by Walter Blaser in Zurich. Shortly afterwards, the company moved to Bern. In the 1930s and 1940s, the coffee was distributed by almost a hundred salesmen who went from house to house with the goods. Even then, green coffee was purchased directly in the country of origin. Today, Blasercafé is one of the largest roasting companies in Switzerland.

CHF 10,90 250 g
Blasercafé, Terroir, Honduras Las Flores

Bist Du auf der Suche nach einem Kaffee, der nicht nur geschmacklich überzeugt, sondern auch eine inspirierende Geschichte mitbringt? Dann solltest Du den Blaser Café Terroir Honduras Las Flores probieren. Dieser exklusive Kaffee stammt aus den Höhenlagen von Chinacla, Honduras, und wird von der leidenschaftlichen Kaffeebäuerin Natalia Pineda angebaut. Ausgezeichnet mit dem vierten Platz beim «Honduras Cup of Excellence» im Jahr 2017, bietet er Dir ein unvergleichliches Geschmackserlebnis. Mit seinem seidig-weichen Mundgefühl verführt Dich dieser Kaffee bei jedem Schluck. Die Aromen von Feige, rotem Apfel und Caramel verschmelzen zu einem harmonischen Zusammenspiel von fruchtigen und süssen Noten. Eine leichte Bitternote rundet den Geschmack ab und macht diesen Kaffee besonders ausgewogen und angenehm. Ideal für alle, die einen subtil fruchtigen und milden Kaffee bevorzugen. Der Blaser Café Terroir Honduras Las Flores besteht aus 100 % Arabica-Bohnen der Catuaí-Sorte, die in einer Höhe von 1530 Metern auf lehmigem Boden wachsen. Dank der selektiven Handlese und der sorgfältigen Verarbeitung bringt dieser Kaffee sein volles Potenzial zur Geltung. Natalia Pineda und ihr Team widmen sich mit Leidenschaft dem Anbau und der Ernte, um höchste Qualität zu garantieren. Ob im Bialetti-Kocher, mit der French Press oder als Filterkaffee – dieser Kaffee entfaltet seine Aromen besonders gut bei diesen Zubereitungsmethoden. Durch den hellen Röstgrad kommen die fruchtigen und karamelligen Noten optimal zur Geltung. Geniesse ihn pur, um die feinen Nuancen von Feige und rotem Apfel vollständig zu erleben. Die Kaffeefarm Las Flores zeichnet sich nicht nur durch exzellenten Kaffee, sondern auch durch soziales Engagement aus. Nach der Erntesaison schult Natalia Pineda ihre Mitarbeiterinnen in der Herstellung von Kunsthandwerk wie Körben und Taschen, um ihnen zusätzliche Einkommensmöglichkeiten zu bieten. Dieser Kaffee ist also nicht nur ein Genuss für Dich, sondern unterstützt auch die lokale Gemeinschaft in Honduras.

CHF 10,90 250 g
Blasercafé, Terroir, Tansania, Tembo Tembo, washed

Suchst Du nach einem Kaffee, der nicht nur geschmacklich, sondern auch durch seine Herkunft und Geschichte beeindruckt? Dann solltest Du den Blaser Café Terroir Tansania, Tembo Tembo, probieren. Dieser exklusive, limitierte Kaffee stammt aus einer einzigartigen Region am Hang des Ngorongoro Vulkans. Hier, auf nährstoffreichem vulkanischem Boden, gedeihen die Bohnen unter idealen Bedingungen – inmitten von Löwen, Elefanten und Giraffen, die durch speziell angelegte Tierkorridore die Plantage ungestört durchqueren können. Mit dem ersten Schluck wird Dich dieser Kaffee durch sein wuchtiges und cremiges Mundgefühl begeistern. Aromen von Lebkuchen, Schokolade, Sanddorn und rotem Apfel treffen auf fruchtige und süsse Noten, die ein intensives Geschmackserlebnis schaffen. Perfekt für alle, die komplexe, aber harmonische Aromen bevorzugen, die in einem kräftigen Ristretto oder Espresso zur Geltung kommen. Dieser Kaffee besteht aus 100 % Arabica-Bohnen der botanischen Unterart Peaberry. Auf einer Höhe von 1900 Metern werden die Bohnen in den nährstoffreichen Böden des Ngorongoro Vulkans angebaut. Die Peaberry-Bohnen sind bekannt für ihren intensiven Geschmack und ihre besondere Form. Jede Bohne wird per Hand geerntet und selektiert, um die höchste Qualität zu gewährleisten. Am besten entfaltet dieser dunkel geröstete Kaffee seine Aromen in der Espressomaschine oder im Bialetti-Kocher. Ob als kräftiger Ristretto, intensiver Espresso oder vollmundiger Café Crème – die komplexen Geschmacksnoten von Lebkuchen und Schokolade machen ihn zu einem idealen Begleiter für Deine täglichen Kaffee-Rituale. Die Tembo Tembo Farm legt grossen Wert auf nachhaltigen Anbau. Hier kommen weder Herbizide, Fungizide noch Insektizide zum Einsatz, was den ökologischen Fussabdruck des Kaffees minimiert. Die Schweizer Familie, die die Plantage seit 2010 leitet, sorgt dafür, dass Natur und Kaffeeanbau in Einklang stehen. Diese Liebe zur Natur und Sorgfalt spiegelt sich in jeder Tasse dieses besonderen Kaffees wider.

CHF 12,50 250 g
Blasercafé, Terroir, Orang Utan Sumatra

Small farmers cultivate coffee gardens in the Gayo highlands in the north of Sumatra according to the strict Orang Utan guidelines. A dark roast, ideally suited for an espresso, cappuccino and latte macchiato, ideal for preparation with an espresso machine, a fully automatic machine, a Bialetti cooker or a French Press. In return, the families receive a premium per kilo of green coffee. With another premium, we support the Sumatran Orang Utan Conservation Programme, which works in partnership with the Indonesian government to protect the Sumatran Orang Utans. The Sumatran Orang Utan Conservation Programme (SOCP) is supported by the Swiss foundation PanEco.The term "terroir" has long since ceased to be reserved for wine. Coffee gets a significant part of its character in its origin. The soil and the climatic conditions shape its aroma, its acids and consequently its overall profile. It is the terroir that gives coffee complexity. When we enjoy the coffee, we experience these special notes that the coffee would not acquire through processing and the specific coffee plant alone.Blasercafé is a Swiss family business based in Bern. The company was founded in 1922 as a small coffee trading business by Walter Blaser in Zurich. Shortly afterwards, they moved to Bern. In the 1930s and 1940s, the coffee was distributed by almost a hundred salesmen who went from house to house with the goods. Even then, green coffee was purchased directly in the country of origin. Today, Blasercafé is one of the largest roasting companies in Switzerland.

Blasercafé, Lilla e Rose
CHF 23,30 3 SIZES
Blasercafé, Lilla e Rose

80% Arabica. Trendy blend of the new espresso scene Lilla e Rose has already won national barista championships four times. The coffee is perfectly balanced in taste with a clearly noticeable sweetness.This top blend impresses with its full character, which it gets from coffees from countries of origin such as Indonesia, Ethiopia or Haiti. The addition of high-quality Robusta from Java gives the blend an extra breed. The connoisseur can discover spicy aromas such as vanilla or caramel, fruits such as tree nuts and citrus as well as roasted grain aromas. Heavy-bodied and well-balanced in terms of acidity, bitterness and aroma, Lilla e Rose offers full enjoyment in espresso, café crème or milk drinks - ideal for preparation on fully and semi-automatic coffee machines.Composition : Santos Blaser Dulce / Guaxupe, Brazil, Arabica unwashed Columbia Excelso, Columbia, Arabica washed Indonesia Sumatra, Indonesia, Arabica unwashed Indonesia Java Ro-busta, Indonesia, Robusta washed Indonesia Lintung, Indonesia, Arabica semi-washed (without Ferm.) Ethiopia Djimmah, Ethiopia, Arabica unwashed Haiti XXXXX, Haiti, Arabica unwashed India Plantation, India, Arabica semi-washed (without Ferm.)Blasercafé is a Swiss family business based in Bern. The company was founded in 1922 as a small coffee trading business by Walter Blaser in Zurich. Shortly afterwards, the company moved to Bern. In the 1930s and 1940s, the coffee was distributed by almost a hundred salesmen who went from house to house with the goods. Even then, green coffee was bought directly in the country of origin. Today, Blasercafé is one of the largest roasting companies in Switzerland.