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Close-up of latte art in a cup featuring creative patterns

Close-up of espresso flowing from a portafilter with the text 'Magazine'

Discover Loveramics - Latte Art Mugs

The name Loveramics is simply derived from "I love ceramics". The inside of the cups is shaped in such a way that the pouring of latte art is particularly favoured.

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Perfectly coordinated: Your coffee machine with accessories

Our bundles are the ideal choice for all coffee lovers who want everything from a single source.

Discover perfectly combined sets of coffee machine and matching accessories - for a perfect coffee experience right from the start.


Loveramics Boram Um Tasting Cup, 80ml, yellow
CHF 9,80 incl. Mwst.
Loveramics Boram Um Tasting Cup, 80ml, yellow

This exclusive collection was developed together with WBC 2023 champion Boram Um - with a focus on balance, aesthetics and maximum enjoyment. The unique Tasting Cups have been specially designed to emphasise the sweetness of the coffee and give it a harmonious depth. Available in three sizes and four expressive colours, they are a must for anyone who wants to enjoy coffee in style. This yellow Boram Um Tasting Cup in the 80ml size is the smallest in the range. The Boram UM cups are made of high-quality porcelain and are designed for professional use. The wide base ensures more balance in the espresso and brings out the sweet notes particularly well. The elegant, grooved design makes the cup comfortable to hold and gives every cup of coffee a special sophistication. Minimalist, functional and stackable - these cups are not only a visual highlight, but also practical for everyday use. The combination of bright colours and a textured surface makes for an appealing, modern design. The cups are also dishwasher, microwave, freezer and oven-safe, making them particularly versatile and durable. The special shape of the Boram UM cups helps to control the acidity of the espresso and ensures a better balance between body and sweetness. They are ideal for tasting as they allow the full flavour spectrum of the coffee to unfold. Perfect for baristas, home baristas and anyone who wants to get the best out of their coffee. Experience the perfect balance of design and function - with the Loveramics Boram UM cups.

Loveramics Boram Um Tasting Cup, 80ml, orange
CHF 9,80 incl. Mwst.
Loveramics Boram Um Tasting Cup, 80ml, orange

This exclusive collection was developed together with WBC 2023 champion Boram Um - with a focus on balance, aesthetics and maximum enjoyment. The unique Tasting Cups have been specially designed to emphasise the sweetness of the coffee and give it a harmonious depth. Available in three sizes and four expressive colours, they are a must for anyone who wants to enjoy coffee in style. This orange Boram Um Tasting Cup in the 80ml size is the smallest in the range. The Boram UM cups are made of high-quality porcelain and are designed for professional use. The wide base ensures more balance in the espresso and brings out the sweet notes particularly well. The elegant, grooved design makes the cup comfortable to hold and gives every cup of coffee a special sophistication. Minimalist, functional and stackable - these cups are not only a visual highlight, but also practical for everyday use. The combination of bright colours and a textured surface makes for an appealing, modern design. The cups are also dishwasher, microwave, freezer and oven-safe, making them particularly versatile and durable. The special shape of the Boram UM cups helps to control the acidity of the espresso and ensures a better balance between body and sweetness. They are ideal for tasting as they allow the full flavour spectrum of the coffee to unfold. Perfect for baristas, home baristas and anyone who wants to get the best out of their coffee. Experience the perfect balance of design and function - with the Loveramics Boram UM cups.

Loveramics Boram Um Tasting Cup, 80ml, purple
CHF 9,80 incl. Mwst.
Loveramics Boram Um Tasting Cup, 80ml, purple

This exclusive collection was developed together with WBC 2023 champion Boram Um - with a focus on balance, aesthetics and maximum enjoyment. The unique Tasting Cups have been specially designed to emphasise the sweetness of the coffee and give it a harmonious depth. Available in three sizes and four expressive colours, they are a must for anyone who wants to enjoy coffee in style. This purple Boram Um Tasting Cup in the 80ml size is the smallest in the range. The Boram UM cups are made of high-quality porcelain and are designed for professional use. The wide base provides more balance in the espresso and brings out the sweet notes particularly well. The elegant, grooved design makes the cup comfortable to hold and gives every cup of coffee a special sophistication. Minimalist, functional and stackable - these cups are not only a visual highlight, but also practical for everyday use. The combination of bright colours and a textured surface makes for an appealing, modern design. The cups are also dishwasher, microwave, freezer and oven-safe, making them particularly versatile and durable. The special shape of the Boram UM cups helps to control the acidity of the espresso and ensures a better balance between body and sweetness. They are ideal for tasting as they allow the full flavour spectrum of the coffee to unfold. Perfect for baristas, home baristas and anyone who wants to get the best out of their coffee. Experience the perfect balance of design and function - with the Loveramics Boram UM cups.

Loveramics Boram Um Tasting Cup, 80ml, pink
CHF 9,80 incl. Mwst.
Loveramics Boram Um Tasting Cup, 80ml, pink

This exclusive collection was developed together with WBC 2023 champion Boram Um - with a focus on balance, aesthetics and maximum enjoyment. The unique Tasting Cups have been specially designed to emphasise the sweetness of the coffee and give it a harmonious depth. Available in three sizes and four expressive colours, they are a must for anyone who wants to enjoy coffee in style. This pink Boram Um Tasting Cup in the 80ml size is the smallest in the range. The Boram UM cups are made of high-quality porcelain and are designed for professional use. The wide base provides more balance in the espresso and brings out the sweet notes particularly well. The elegant, grooved design makes the cup comfortable to hold and gives every cup of coffee a special sophistication. Minimalist, functional and stackable - these cups are not only a visual highlight, but also practical for everyday use. The combination of bright colours and a textured surface makes for an appealing, modern design. The cups are also dishwasher, microwave, freezer and oven-safe, making them particularly versatile and durable. The special shape of the Boram UM cups helps to control the acidity of the espresso and ensures a better balance between body and sweetness. They are ideal for tasting as they allow the full flavour spectrum of the coffee to unfold. Perfect for baristas, home baristas and anyone who wants to get the best out of their coffee. Experience the perfect balance of design and function - with the Loveramics Boram UM cups.

Perfect combinations for connoisseurs

With our coffee machine bundles, you not only save time, but also money. Each bundle is carefully put together to make it as easy as possible for you to enter the world of perfect coffee.

Whether for espresso, cappuccino or Americano - here you will find exactly the equipment that suits your preferences.

Everything you need - from a single source

Our bundles contain everything you need to make first-class coffee: from high-quality coffee machines to practical accessories and helpful extras.

So you can get started straight away - without having to think long and hard about what else you need.

Die Zusammenarbeit von Loveramics mit renommierten Persönlichkeiten der Kaffeewelt.

Loveramics arbeitet mit einigen der einflussreichsten Persönlichkeiten der Specialty-Coffee-Szene zusammen, um Produkte zu entwickeln, die sowohl in Funktionalität als auch in Design Massstäbe setzen. Die enge Kooperation mit Weltmeistern und Kaffeeexperten zeigt das Engagement der Marke, Tassen und Zubehör auf höchstem Niveau zu gestalten – für Baristas und Kaffeeliebhaber weltweit.

Dale Harris – Champions Signature Collection

Als Weltmeister der Barista-Meisterschaften 2017 brachte Dale Harris gemeinsam mit Loveramics die „Champions Signature“-Kollektion auf den Markt. Diese speziell gestalteten Tassen wurden entwickelt, um die sensorische Wahrnehmung von Kaffee zu optimieren und gleichzeitig mit ihrem eleganten Design zu überzeugen. Die Kollektion basiert auf den handgefertigten Porzellanarbeiten des Londoner Keramikers Ben Sutton und kombiniert natürliche Farbtöne mit hochwertigen Materialien, um Kaffee visuell und geschmacklich perfekt in Szene zu setzen.

Boram Um – Wettbewerbsoptimierte Tassen

Der Weltmeister von 2023, Boram Um, entwickelte mit Loveramics eine Kollektion, die speziell für Wettbewerbe konzipiert wurde. Die breiten, henkelosen Tassen fördern eine optimale Aroma- und Süssewahrnehmung, was sie ideal für anspruchsvolle Kaffeeverkostungen macht. Die Serie ist in verschiedenen Grössen und Farben erhältlich und bereichert das Kaffeeerlebnis für Profis und Geniesser gleichermassen.

James Hoffmann – Funktion & Design in Perfektion

James Hoffmann, Weltmeister der Barista-Meisterschaften 2007 und eine der bekanntesten Stimmen in der Kaffeeindustrie, hat ebenfalls mit Loveramics zusammengearbeitet. Gemeinsam entwickelten sie Produkte, die höchste funktionale Anforderungen erfüllen und gleichzeitig mit einer klaren, zeitlosen Ästhetik überzeugen – genau das, was die moderne Kaffeewelt verlangt.

Pierre de Chanterac – Hochwertiges Equipment für Spezialitätenkaffee

Pierre de Chanterac, ein anerkannter Experte im Bereich Specialty Coffee, hat mit Loveramics exklusive Kollektionen entwickelt, die Design und Funktionalität vereinen. Sein Beitrag unterstreicht die Bedeutung von präzisem Equipment für die perfekte Kaffeezubereitung – ob in der Barista-Szene oder für anspruchsvolle Home-Brewer.

Simon Stevens Design für Loveramics

Simon Stevens ist ein preisgekrönter britischer Keramikdesigner und seit über einem Jahrzehnt der Chefdesigner bei Loveramics.

Mit seiner Leidenschaft für Keramik und seinem innovativen Ansatz hat er zahlreiche ikonische Kollektionen für die Marke geschaffen, darunter die beliebten Serien Er-go!, Bond und Brewers.

Seine Entwürfe sind in den ständigen Sammlungen des Victoria and Albert Museums in London und des Museums für Angewandte Kunst in Frankfurt vertreten, was seine Bedeutung in der Welt des Keramikdesigns unterstreicht.

Simon gründete das Simon Stevens Design Studio in London und hat im Laufe seiner Karriere mit einigen der weltweit renommiertesten Keramikhersteller zusammengearbeitet.

Sein Designprozess beginnt oft mit Skizzen, gefolgt von CAD-Modellierung und 3D-Druck, um Prototypen zu erstellen. Diese Herangehensweise ermöglicht es ihm, seine Konzepte kontinuierlich zu verfeinern und sicherzustellen, dass das Endprodukt sowohl praktisch als auch optisch ansprechend ist.

Durch seine Zusammenarbeit mit Loveramics hat Simon Stevens dazu beigetragen, dass Loveramics als Synonym für hochwertiges und durchdachtes Keramikdesign zu etablieren, das weltweit von Kaffeeliebhabern und Profis geschätzt wird.