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Italian coffee is famous all over the world and an important part of Italian culture and everyday life.

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What is so special about Italian coffee?

It starts with the selection of the beans - only the best, carefully harvested beans reach the roasting plants in Italy, where they are slowly roasted to develop a rich, full flavor. The result? A coffee that not only wakes you up, but invigorates your senses.

Italians take the preparation of their coffee seriously. Whether it's a strong espresso, creamy cappuccino or smooth caffè latte - there is real craftsmanship behind every sip.

Italians take the preparation of their coffee seriously. Whether it's a strong espresso, creamy cappuccino or smooth caffè latte - there is real craftsmanship behind every sip.

In Italy, drinking coffee is a social event, a moment to pause for a moment. Whether during a hectic lunch break or a relaxed afternoon in the bar around the corner. The joy of sharing a precious moment of pleasure - that is the essence of Italian coffee culture.

The secret of Italian coffee art

Henauer Kaffee
Mexiko Demeter fairtrade
CHF 26,90 5% AB 18
Henauer Irlanda Espresso, 1kg Bohnen

Die Finca Irlanda in Mexiko ist die älteste Demeter Plantage in den Tropen und deren Kaffee ist seit jeher Bestandteil des Henauer Sortiments, somit Herzstück von Henauer. Demeter steht für einen biologisch-biodynamischen Anbau beruhend auf den landwirtschaftlichen Ideen Rudolf Steiners. Der Kaffee ist demnach frei von Pestiziden oder anderen chemischen Zusätzen. Mit seiner mittel bis dunklen Röstung und 8% Robusta Anteil empfehlen wir die Zubereitung als Espresso. Henauer Kaffee gehört zu den ältesten Röstereien der Schweiz. Die Geschwister Philipp und Stefanie Henauer führen das Familienunternehmen bereits in der vierten Generation, Kaffee fliesst sozusagen durch ihre Adern. 1896 wurde Henauer Kaffee von George Henauer in Winterthur gegründet, alsbald der Umzug ins Niederdörfli und 1986 der Wechsel nach Höri bei Bülach folgte.Henauer Kaffee steht nicht nur für ausgeprägtes Rösthandwerk und Knowhow sondern auch für langjährige Beziehungen zu Kaffeebauern. Ein wichtiger Aspekt für die Kaffeebauern, aber auch für dich als Konsument. Die konstante Ernteabnahme sorgt für eine gewisse Einkommensstabilität beim Bauern, was ihm künftige Investitionen überhaupt ermöglicht und schlussendlich die Qualität des Kaffees in deiner Tasse beeinflusst.Seit über 70 Jahren fördert Henauer zudem den Verkauf von Demeter Kaffee in der Schweiz und ist ein Bio-Suisse zertifiziertes Unternehmen.

Cerutti "il Caffè" Milano, 1kg Bohnen
CHF 25,80 5% AB 18
Cerutti "il Caffè" Milano, 1kg Bohnen

Entdecke den Cerutti „Il Caffè“ Milano – Dieser Kaffee ist nicht nur ein Getränk, sondern eine Einladung, in die Tiefen italienischer Kaffeekunst einzutauchen. Mit seiner samtigen, weichen Textur und dem angenehmen Geschmack, der dich sanft an Haselnuss und Schokolade erinnert, ist jeder Schluck ein Fest für die Sinne. Lass dich von der Intensität und dem Aroma verführen, die in perfekter Harmonie stehen, um dir ein unvergleichliches Geschmackserlebnis zu bieten.Tauche ein in ein Meer von Aromen: fruchtig trifft auf Gebäck, geröstete Nüsse verschmelzen mit Gewürzen, Kakao, Karamell und Lakritz, abgerundet durch den sanften Schmelz von Milchschokolade. Der Cerutti Milano ist ein sensorisches Abenteuer, das deinen Gaumen mit Nuancen überrascht, die so reich und vielfältig sind wie die italienische Landschaft selbst.Mit einer sorgfältigen Auswahl von 70% Arabica- und 30% Robusta-Bohnen aus den besten Anbaugebieten der Welt – Costa Rica, Äthiopien, Panama, Kolumbien und Brasilien – bietet dieser Espresso eine perfekte Balance. Die Bohnen werden langsam und schonend in kleinen Chargen geröstet, um die feinsten Aromen zu entfalten. Dieser Prozess garantiert einen Espresso von bester Qualität, vollmundig und reich an Geschmack.Der Cerutti Milano entfaltet sein volles Potenzial, wenn er als Espresso zubereitet wird. Die Bohnen können ruhig etwas grober gemahlen werden, um die Intensität und den vollen Körper zu bewahren. Die perfekte Crema und der samtige Geschmack machen ihn zur idealen Basis für Espresso, Cappuccino und Latte.Geniesse ihn aus einer Espressotasse, um das reiche, butterartige Aroma und den Schokoladengeschmack mit einem Hauch von Nüssen in vollen Zügen zu erleben.

La Semeuse
CHF 23,95 2 SIZES
La Semeuse Don Marco

This coffee blend is composed of coffee beans from the highlands of Mexico, Colombia, Brazil and the Ivory Coast. This real espresso is strong and powerful and was roasted according to an old Italian recipe. Unlike the Mocca blend from the same company, La Semeuse Don Marco is not a pure Arabica blend.  The coffee is made up of 80% Arabica beans  from the highlands of Mexico and Colombia and from Brazil and about 20% robusta beans from the Ivory Coast. The addition of robusta beans ensures that a much stronger crema forms in the cup.  The sugar only sinks slowly through the crema, as is desirable in a purebred espresso. The aromas are intense and seductive. You will detect noble woody and delicious gingerbread aromas. The Don Marco also has a lot to offer in terms of taste. After a lively and spicy start, you will detect chocolate and clear roasted notes and finally experience a long-lasting aftertaste.Even though Italians claim, not entirely without reason, to have invented espresso, that doesn't mean that we in Switzerland can't roast a good espresso. No one else roasts at an altitude of about 1000 metres above sea level. The lower air pressure ensures that the coffee beans behave differently during roasting than in normal roasting plants. This coffee blend is made up of coffee beans from the highlands of Mexico, Colombia, Brazil and the Ivory Coast. This real espresso is strong and powerful and has been roasted according to an old Italian recipe. Unlike the Mocca blend from the same company, La Semeuse Don Marco is not a pure Arabica blend.  The coffee is made up of 80% Arabica beans  from the highlands of Mexico and Colombia and from Brazil and about 20% robusta beans from the Ivory Coast. The addition of robusta beans ensures that a much stronger crema forms in the cup.  The sugar only sinks slowly through the crema, as is desirable in a purebred espresso. The aromas are intense and seductive. You will detect noble woody and delicious gingerbread aromas. The Don Marco also has a lot to offer in terms of taste. After a lively and spicy start, you will detect chocolate and clear roasted notes and finally experience a long-lasting aftertaste.Even though Italians claim, not entirely without reason, to have invented espresso, that doesn't mean that we in Switzerland can't roast a good espresso. No one else roasts at an altitude of about 1000 metres above sea level. The lower air pressure ensures that the coffee beans behave differently during roasting than in normal roasting plants. How exactly is a carefully guarded secret of the la Semeuse roastery in La Chaux-de-Fonds.

Hausbrandt Trieste 1892
CHF 39,20 1000 g
Hausbrandt Gourmet

100% Arabica. A class of its own Gourmet is the top roast from Hausbrandt. One sip of it and everyday coffee drinking is transformed into a moment of rare intensity and richness. Even the aroma is uniquely promising. At the beginning of the 20th century, some roasts were produced especially for the European aristocracy. Later they became known under the generic term Gourmet roasts. This tradition lives on in Hausbrandt Gourmet.Selected beans from Brazil, Central and South America, each individually controlled, the blending by connoisseurs and the very slow, computer-monitored roasting form the basis for this top-quality coffee. Immediately after the first sip, you will notice the qualities of this roast. The first impression is soft and velvety, surrounded by a light, very balanced acidity. The intense and at the same time elegant taste combined with the full body and the extremely long lasting crema will pleasantly surprise you. You may even detect fruity notes in the aftertaste.A history of more than a hundred years at Hausbrandt provides certainty that the roastery has a profound culture of good coffee. The secret of those who have been doing this work for generations is to adhere to a simple and unchanging guiding concept: to always sell a flawless cup of espresso. The full flavour, the aroma of the aroma and the rounded body can only be achieved through the balanced blend of different coffees and the skilful dosage of different qualities of Arabica, always mixed with a smaller quantity of the best Robusta.

UTZ Certified
CHF 29,50 7% AB 36
Illycafé Gourmet Napoli

100% Arabica. For espresso and ristretto Illycafé offers something special. Here you can order one and the same bean blend in three different roasting degrees. Illycafé consists exclusively of Arabica beans grown at high altitudes in Central and South America and in East Africa on selected, small fazendas. An optical sorting system makes it possible to check every single coffee bean. Only those beans that meet the strict quality requirements find their way to the roasting plant.And as already mentioned, three different roasts are now made: Venezia stands for northern Italian mild, Milano for typical Italian, Napoli for southern Italian racy. The Napoli roast offered here is dark, the taste is intense and spicy. An espresso for connoisseurs. But cappuccino lovers will not be disappointed by this Caffè either.The Illycafé Gourmet line is UTZ Certified. Utz Certified supports growers with knowledge about good farming practices and shares information about the global coffee market. The certification gives coffee growers a stronger market position as a result of increasing demand for certified coffee. Roasters who buy Utz Certified certified coffee know exactly where it was produced, as Utz Certified ensures the traceability of the coffee from grower to roaster. When you see the Utz Certified logo on your coffee, you know it has been produced responsibly. You can continue to enjoy the same brand with the same quality. In addition, you can be confident that your brand guarantees responsibility for low-impact farming practices. " more about Utz CertifiedIllycafé has been roasting in Thalwil on Lake Zurich since 1939. The company imports beans in particular from Central and South America, East Africa, Indonesia and India. These are then blended and roasted on the left bank of Lake Zurich according to secret recipes.

The secret of Italian coffee art

The secret of Italian coffee art

The secret of Italian coffee art

Traditionally, Italian coffee is roasted from very dark beans. The art of roasting is the result of years of practice. The characteristic aroma of Italian coffee comes from the very slow but strong roasting. This strong "Italian roast" is popular with coffee lovers around the world.

Strong roasts produce a coffee with a higher bitterness, lower acidity and less caffeine. Characteristics that make Italian coffee particularly digestible. In Italy, it is rumored that the water and the air influence the delicious taste.

Strong roasts produce a coffee with a higher bitterness, lower acidity and less caffeine. Characteristics that make Italian coffee particularly digestible. In Italy, it is rumored that the water and the air influence the delicious taste.

How did coffee originally come to Italy?

However, the real turning point in the history of Italian coffee was the invention of the espresso machine. In 1884, Angelo Moriondo from Turin patented the first espresso machine, but it was not commercially successful. Later, in 1901, Luigi Bezzera from Milan developed an improved version that revolutionized the preparation of coffee by forcing water under high pressure through finely ground coffee. This reduced the brewing time and extracted the aromas and oils more effectively.

However, the real turning point in the history of Italian coffee was the invention of the espresso machine. In 1884, Angelo Moriondo from Turin patented the first espresso machine, but it was not commercially successful. Later, in 1901, Luigi Bezzera from Milan developed an improved version that revolutionized the preparation of coffee by forcing water under high pressure through finely ground coffee. This reduced the brewing time and extracted the aromas and oils more effectively.

Today, Italy is known for its strict standards in coffee preparation and for its numerous regional variations - from espresso to cappuccino.

A declaration of love from north to south

From the Alps to the sun-drenched coasts of the south, the taste, preparation and coffee culture differ significantly. Generally speaking, the further south, the stronger the coffee.

Northern Italy: Fine and refined

In northern Italy, especially in cities such as Milan and Turin, people prefer a coffee that is as elegant and stylish as the region itself. Espresso here is often milder and made with a finer roast that has less bitterness. These coffees often have a more subtle, aromatic note, ideal for a gentle start to the day. In the cosmopolitan cities of northern Italy, you will often find cafés offering a variety of internationally inspired specialty coffees.

Central Italy: Harmonious and classic

Rich and deep aromas at every turn!

The coffee culture in central Italy, especially in Tuscany and Rome, represents the heart of Italian tradition. Here, the espresso is stronger than in the north, but still balanced, with a perfect harmony between acidity and sweetness.

The roast is more intense, which gives the coffee a rich and full-bodied texture.

Southern Italy: strong and full of character

In the south of Italy, from Naples to Sicily, people drink the strongest and most intense coffee.

The southern Italian love of intense aromas is reflected in a very dark roast, which gives the espresso an almost bittersweet, strong note.

Southern Italian coffee is a reflection of the passionate and vibrant soul of the people in this region.