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Single Origin: Pure and unique

Discover the purity of single origin coffee. Enjoy the unmistakable flavour from a single growing region.

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Was zeichnet einen Single Origin Kaffee aus?

Exquisite coffee with heart: choose organic and Demeter

Choose from organic and Demeter coffees for unique enjoyment and fair, environmentally friendly cultivation



Henauer Kaffee
Mexiko Demeter fairtrade
CHF 6,90 2 SIZES
Henauer Irlanda Espresso, 250g Bohnen

Die Finca Irlanda in Mexiko ist die älteste Demeter Plantage in den Tropen und deren Kaffee ist seit jeher Bestandteil des Henauer Sortiments, somit Herzstück von Henauer. Demeter steht für einen biologisch-biodynamischen Anbau beruhend auf den landwirtschaftlichen Ideen Rudolf Steiners. Der Kaffee ist demnach frei von Pestiziden oder anderen chemischen Zusätzen. Mit seiner mittel bis dunklen Röstung und 8% Robusta Anteil empfehlen wir die Zubereitung als Espresso. Henauer Kaffee gehört zu den ältesten Röstereien der Schweiz. Die Geschwister Philipp und Stefanie Henauer führen das Familienunternehmen bereits in der vierten Generation, Kaffee fliesst sozusagen durch ihre Adern. 1896 wurde Henauer Kaffee von George Henauer in Winterthur gegründet, alsbald der Umzug ins Niederdörfli und 1986 der Wechsel nach Höri bei Bülach folgte.Henauer Kaffee steht nicht nur für ausgeprägtes Rösthandwerk und Knowhow sondern auch für langjährige Beziehungen zu Kaffeebauern. Ein wichtiger Aspekt für die Kaffeebauern, aber auch für dich als Konsument. Die konstante Ernteabnahme sorgt für eine gewisse Einkommensstabilität beim Bauern, was ihm künftige Investitionen überhaupt ermöglicht und schlussendlich die Qualität des Kaffees in deiner Tasse beeinflusst.Seit über 70 Jahren fördert Henauer zudem den Verkauf von Demeter Kaffee in der Schweiz und ist ein Bio-Suisse zertifiziertes Unternehmen.

Imposible Roasters
CHF 14,90 250 g
El Imposible Roasters Coral, Cordoba, Veracruz, San Felipe, Mexico

This lightly roasted 100% Arabica coffee has a beautifully balanced and pleasantly fruity taste. Ideally suited for the preparation of filter coffee with Chemex, Aeropress or Hario filters.Since 1924, the De Gasperín family has managed and operated the small, traditional coffee farm Rancho San Felipe. The main focus is to produce very good coffee under fair conditions, a consistently transparent process, direct trade and fair prices for the producer families. The entire processing is done in the original way on the ranch: During the wet processing, the damaged beans are first separated and then de-pulped. This is followed by an 18-24 hour fermentation and 6-hour resting phase. The coffee is then washed by hand and dried in drying beds with constant turning. Before export, the glassine skin is removed and the coffee is electronically selected once again.El Imposible Roasters Gmbh is a small micro-roastery from Horw, Lucerne, founded in 2015 and run by Mario Waldispühl and Mira Hochstrasser since then. Their first imported green coffee came from a finca located on the barely conquerable El Imposible hill range in El Salvador. El Imposible also stands for a project that seemed impossible just a few years ago, namely to import green coffee from El Salvador and Uganda directly to Switzerland without sourcing it via the world market trade, thus ensuring fair compensation for the coffee farmers. This also applies to the coffee imported from Peru via the CAFHU cooperative, which unites small coffee farmers in the Amazon region and pays them a price above the coffee market price.Mario and Mira have a wealth of experience in gastronomy and food science. Mario is a former chef and partner of the Gasthaus Krone with 15 Gault Millau points and currently co-owner of the Jazzkantine. Other areas of activity include catering and working as a private chef. He is also involved in "Cuisine sans frontières" and is co-organiser of the Kitchen Battle Lucerne. Mira is a food engineer with a Master of Science ETH in food science. Previously, she had a career in baby milk development and at a muesli manufacturer. In addition to her work at El Imposible Roasters, she is a 40 per cent lecturer at the Strickhof vocational school in Au-Wädenswil for prospective food technologists.

Demeter coffee versus organic coffee: what's behind it?

Organic coffee and Demeter coffee - two terms that often appear in connection with sustainable coffee enjoyment. But what is the difference? This much can be revealed: Demeter certification includes far stricter guidelines - from compliance with biodynamic production guidelines to a wide range of sustainability aspects.

Why is sustainability so important in coffee production in particular?

Sustainability is the key to ethical, environmentally friendly and future-proof coffee production. But that's not all: sustainable farming methods often lead to higher quality coffee beans with unique flavors, which benefits both producers and consumers. Sustainable practices reduce the use of chemicals, protect soils, preserve biodiversity and protect the climate.

How does organic coffee differ from conventional coffee?

Organic coffee is more than just a drink. It is a statement for environmental awareness, fair trade and pure enjoyment. In contrast to monoculture in conventional cultivation, organic farmers rely on mixed cultivation, which means that coffee plants are allowed to grow together with other plant species. Why is that? This promotes biodiversity and makes the plants more resistant to disease.

Monocultures, on the other hand, harbor serious ecological and economic risks. Focusing on the cultivation of a single plant species over large areas leads to greater susceptibility to diseases and pests and to rapid soil depletion

Coffee plants are very sensitive. Too much heat, but also too much cold, damages them. Moisture is good, but not too much. Coffee farmers like to plant avocado, grapefruit or banana trees, coconut palms or eucalyptus plants next to coffee plants. These mixed cultures ensure that coffee plants are protected from too much sunlight and heavy rainfall.

Organically grown - sustainably enjoyed Conventional coffee cultivation often relies on chemical fertilizers, which provide short-term growth but deplete the soil in the long term. Organic coffee farmers, on the other hand, rely on compost and organic fertilizers. The result? Fertile soils where coffee plants feel right at home.

Fair trade, fair wages Organic coffee stands for fairness not only towards nature, but also towards the coffee farmers. Fair trade practices guarantee fair wages, so that every sip of coffee also bears some social responsibility. Incidentally, unlike conventional coffee, organic farmers harvest their coffee cherries by hand. Industrial harvesting methods are not used.

Do you want to enjoy first-class coffee with a clear conscience and value environmentally friendly cultivation methods and fair conditions? Choose your favorite coffee from our selected range of exquisite organic and Demeter coffees!