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Blasercafé, Terroir, Brazil Capoerinha Estate

Around 60 percent of the land at Capoeirinha Farm is used for coffee cultivation. The remaining 40 percent of the land has been declared a nature reserve by the owners and includes rainforest areas and reserves. A dark roast, best suited for an espresso, cappuccino and latte macchiato, ideal for preparation with an espresso machine or Bialetti cooker.

The Capoeirinha farm won first place in the Cup of Excellence in 2011 and the Rainforest Alliance Annual Quality Contest in 2009 and 2010.

The term "terroir" has long since ceased to be reserved for wine. Coffee gets a significant part of its character in its origin. The soil and climatic conditions shape its aroma, its acids and consequently its overall profile. It is the terroir that gives coffee complexity. When we enjoy the coffee, we experience these special notes that the coffee would not acquire through processing and the specific coffee plant alone.

Blasercafé is a Swiss family business based in Bern. The company was founded in 1922 as a small coffee trading business by Walter Blaser in Zurich. Shortly afterwards, they moved to Bern. In the 1930s and 1940s, the coffee was distributed by almost a hundred salesmen who went from house to house with the goods. Even then, green coffee was purchased directly in the country of origin. Today, Blasercafé is one of the largest roasting companies in Switzerland.

250 g beans







3 months



Degree of roasting

dark roast


Aroma proof bag

CHF 8.90 / 250 g   BEANS
Product not avilable
1 2 3
Price per cup
0.25 CHF
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CHF 9,00 3 SIZES
Blasercafé, Lilla e Rose

80% Arabica. Trendy blend for the barista scene Lilla e Rose has already won national barista championships four times. The coffee is perfectly balanced in taste with a clearly noticeable sweetness.This top blend impresses with its full character, which it gets from coffees from countries of origin such as Indonesia, Ethiopia or Haiti. The addition of high-quality Robusta from Java gives the blend an extra breed. The connoisseur can discover spice aromas such as vanilla or caramel, fruits such as tree nuts and citrus as well as roasted grain aromas. Heavy-bodied and perfectly balanced in terms of acidity, bitterness and aroma, Lilla e Rose offers full enjoyment in espresso, café crème or milk drinks - ideal for preparation on fully and semi-automatic coffee machines.E.S.E : This abbreviation stands for "Easy Serving Espresso" - loosely translated, "Espresso, times quite simply". Provided you have a compatible espresso machine, you get one cup like another, always creamy, always perfect. Simply place the sachet in the machine, let the water run through and you're done.Composition : Santos Blaser Dulce / Guaxupe, Brazil, Arabica unwashed Columbia Excelso, Columbia, Arabica washed Indonesia Sumatra, Indonesia, Arabica unwashed Indonesia Java Robusta, Indonesia, Robusta washed Indonesia Lintung, Indonesia, Arabica semi-washed (without Ferm.) Ethiopia Djimmah, Ethiopia, Arabica unwashed Haiti XXXXX, Haiti, Arabica unwashed India Plantation, India, Arabica semi-washed (without Ferm.)Blasercafé is a Swiss family business based in Bern. The company was founded in 1922 as a small coffee trading business by Walter Blaser in Zurich. Shortly afterwards, the company moved to Bern. In the 1930s and 1940s, the coffee was distributed by almost a hundred salesmen who went from house to house with the goods. Even then, green coffee was purchased directly in the country of origin. Today, Blasercafé is one of the largest roasting companies in Switzerland.

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Rast Sigri, Plantation Estate, India

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