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Close-up of latte art in a cup featuring creative patterns

Close-up of espresso flowing from a portafilter with the text 'Magazine'

Do you have the right cup?

The coffee cup is more than just a container - it is crucial to your enjoyment experience.

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Mit der richtigen Kaffeetasse zum perfekten Genuss

Stell Dir vor: Du hast gerade Deinen Lieblingskaffee zubereitet, der Duft erfüllt den Raum, und Du freust Dich auf den ersten Schluck. Doch halt! Hast Du auch die richtige Tasse gewählt? Die Kaffeetasse ist mehr als nur ein Behältnis – sie ist entscheidend für Dein Genusserlebnis.

Die Form, das Material und sogar die Wandstärke der Tasse können den Geschmack Deines Kaffees beeinflussen und darüber entscheiden, wie lange er warm bleibt. Lass uns gemeinsam herausfinden, welche Tasse für welchen Kaffee ideal ist und worauf Du bei der Auswahl achten solltest.

Zum Beispiel Cappuccino Tassen

Perfect enjoyment with the right coffee cup

Just imagine: You've just prepared your favourite coffee, the aroma fills the room and you're looking forward to your first sip. But wait! Have you chosen the right cup? The coffee cup is more than just a container - it is crucial to your enjoyment experience.

The shape, the material and even the wall thickness of the cup can influence the flavour of your coffee and decide how long it stays warm. Let's find out together which cup is ideal for which coffee and what you should look out for when making your choice.

Shape and material

The shape and material of your coffee cup play a key role in the enjoyment of your coffee. The classic materials are porcelain and ceramic. These materials are not only robust and durable, but are also able to retain heat optimally. Porcelain also has the advantage that it looks particularly elegant and is neutral in taste - perfect for enjoying the full flavour of coffee. Glass, on the other hand, is ideal for coffee drinks where appearance plays a role, such as latte macchiato. It perfectly emphasises the different layers of the drink. It is important that the glass is heat-resistant so that it can withstand the high temperatures.

Thin or thick cups?

An often underestimated question is the wall thickness of the cup. A thick-walled cup is essential for an espresso. This keeps the small, strong coffee warm for longer so that you can enjoy it in peace. The thickness of the cup ensures that the temperature remains constant and the espresso does not cool down too quickly. For filter coffee, on the other hand, a thin-walled cup can be a good choice as it allows the coffee to reach drinking temperature more quickly. The thin walls release the heat more quickly, which can ensure a pleasant drinking experience if you don't want to drink your coffee too hot.

Which cup for which coffee?

There is a perfect cup for every speciality coffee, and the size plays a decisive role:

  • Espresso: The perfect espresso is prepared at around 92°C and should be drunk as hot as possible. The ideal cup for espresso is small, thick-walled and has a capacity of 60 to 90 ml (0.06 to 0.09 litres). This size ensures that the crema remains nice and stable and the espresso stays at the right temperature.
  • Cappuccino: A classic cappuccino consists of one third espresso, one third hot milk and one third milk foam. The cup should hold 180 to 260 ml (0.18 to 0.26 litres). This size offers enough space for the espresso and the milk, while the thick-walled cup retains the heat and the milk foam remains stable.
  • Flat White: The Flat White, which has become popular in Australia and New Zealand, is an intense latte consisting of a double espresso (ristretto) and velvety frothed milk. The cup for a flat white should hold 150 to 180 ml (0.15 to 0.18 litres), similar to the cappuccino cup. A thick-walled cup is also important here to retain the heat and emphasise the velvety texture of the milk.
  • Latte macchiato: This drink thrives on its appearance - the three layers of milk, espresso and milk foam must be visible. This is why the latte macchiato should be served in a tall, thick-walled glass with a capacity of at least 300 ml (0.3 litres). This size allows the layers to be clearly separated and provides enough space for a generous layer of milk foam.
  • Caffè Latte: Caffè Latte is often confused with Latte Macchiato, but there is a difference in the preparation and serving method. It is often served in a wide, large bowl with a capacity of around 300 ml (0.3 litres). This shape ensures that the milk and coffee mix well and the texture of the foam is retained.
  • Filter coffee and café crème: These traditional coffees are usually served in larger cups or mugs. The ideal cup for filter coffee has a volume of 200 to 250 ml (0.2 to 0.25 litres). This size offers enough space for the coffee as well as milk or cream, if you prefer. A larger cup with 300 ml (0.3 litres) is also suitable, especially if you want to enjoy your coffee slowly.

Proper care is important.

Proper care is crucial to ensure that your coffee cups remain beautiful and functional for a long time. It is best to wash them by hand, especially if they have delicate decorations or sensitive surfaces. Although many cups are dishwasher-safe, aggressive cleaning in the machine can damage the surface structure in the long term. Use mild detergents to protect the material. With glass cups, you should be careful not to expose them to extreme temperature changes, as this can lead to stress cracks. A well-maintained cup will last a long time and ensure that your coffee always tastes exactly as it should.

Which is your favourite cup?

Have you already found your favourite cup? The cup that simply makes your coffee taste better and makes you happy every morning? Perhaps you bought it while travelling and it reminds you of a special moment. Or maybe it's just perfectly shaped and sits comfortably in your hand. The choice of coffee cup is very personal, and sometimes it's that emotional connection that makes all the difference.

If you're still looking, try out different cups - different shapes, materials and sizes. Your perfect cup is out there, waiting for you to discover it.

Zum Beispiel Espresso Tassen

Perfect enjoyment with the right coffee cup

Just imagine: You've just prepared your favourite coffee, the aroma fills the room and you're looking forward to your first sip. But wait! Have you chosen the right cup? The coffee cup is more than just a container - it is crucial to your enjoyment experience.

The shape, the material and even the wall thickness of the cup can influence the flavour of your coffee and decide how long it stays warm. Let's find out together which cup is ideal for which coffee and what you should look out for when making your choice.

Shape and material

The shape and material of your coffee cup play a key role in the enjoyment of your coffee. The classic materials are porcelain and ceramic. These materials are not only robust and durable, but are also able to retain heat optimally. Porcelain also has the advantage that it looks particularly elegant and is neutral in taste - perfect for enjoying the full flavour of coffee. Glass, on the other hand, is ideal for coffee drinks where appearance plays a role, such as latte macchiato. It perfectly emphasises the different layers of the drink. It is important that the glass is heat-resistant so that it can withstand the high temperatures.

Thin or thick cups?

An often underestimated question is the wall thickness of the cup. A thick-walled cup is essential for an espresso. This keeps the small, strong coffee warm for longer so that you can enjoy it in peace. The thickness of the cup ensures that the temperature remains constant and the espresso does not cool down too quickly. For filter coffee, on the other hand, a thin-walled cup can be a good choice as it allows the coffee to reach drinking temperature more quickly. The thin walls release the heat more quickly, which can ensure a pleasant drinking experience if you don't want to drink your coffee too hot.

Which cup for which coffee?

There is a perfect cup for every speciality coffee, and the size plays a decisive role:

  • Espresso: The perfect espresso is prepared at around 92°C and should be drunk as hot as possible. The ideal cup for espresso is small, thick-walled and has a capacity of 60 to 90 ml (0.06 to 0.09 litres). This size ensures that the crema remains nice and stable and the espresso stays at the right temperature.
  • Cappuccino: A classic cappuccino consists of one third espresso, one third hot milk and one third milk foam. The cup should hold 180 to 260 ml (0.18 to 0.26 litres). This size offers enough space for the espresso and the milk, while the thick-walled cup retains the heat and the milk foam remains stable.
  • Flat White: The Flat White, which has become popular in Australia and New Zealand, is an intense latte consisting of a double espresso (ristretto) and velvety frothed milk. The cup for a flat white should hold 150 to 180 ml (0.15 to 0.18 litres), similar to the cappuccino cup. A thick-walled cup is also important here to retain the heat and emphasise the velvety texture of the milk.
  • Latte macchiato: This drink thrives on its appearance - the three layers of milk, espresso and milk foam must be visible. This is why the latte macchiato should be served in a tall, thick-walled glass with a capacity of at least 300 ml (0.3 litres). This size allows the layers to be clearly separated and provides enough space for a generous layer of milk foam.
  • Caffè Latte: Caffè Latte is often confused with Latte Macchiato, but there is a difference in the preparation and serving method. It is often served in a wide, large bowl with a capacity of around 300 ml (0.3 litres). This shape ensures that the milk and coffee mix well and the texture of the foam is retained.
  • Filter coffee and café crème: These traditional coffees are usually served in larger cups or mugs. The ideal cup for filter coffee has a volume of 200 to 250 ml (0.2 to 0.25 litres). This size offers enough space for the coffee as well as milk or cream, if you prefer. A larger cup with 300 ml (0.3 litres) is also suitable, especially if you want to enjoy your coffee slowly.

Proper care is important.

Proper care is crucial to ensure that your coffee cups remain beautiful and functional for a long time. It is best to wash them by hand, especially if they have delicate decorations or sensitive surfaces. Although many cups are dishwasher-safe, aggressive cleaning in the machine can damage the surface structure in the long term. Use mild detergents to protect the material. With glass cups, you should be careful not to expose them to extreme temperature changes, as this can lead to stress cracks. A well-maintained cup will last a long time and ensure that your coffee always tastes exactly as it should.

Which is your favourite cup?

Have you already found your favourite cup? The cup that simply makes your coffee taste better and makes you happy every morning? Perhaps you bought it while travelling and it reminds you of a special moment. Or maybe it's just perfectly shaped and sits comfortably in your hand. The choice of coffee cup is very personal, and sometimes it's that emotional connection that makes all the difference.

If you're still looking, try out different cups - different shapes, materials and sizes. Your perfect cup is out there, waiting for you to discover it.