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Suitable for portafilter and fully automatic machines.
Coffee drinks
Organic / Demeter
Fresh Coffee service
Coffee machines including home barista training for 2 people
What type of portafilter?
Which pump?
How many boilers?
Perfect espresso with almost no energy
Freshly ground coffee tastes better.
Typ of Grinder
Grind by hand
The tools for the barista
For better preparation
For clean preparation
White, colored and thick-walled cups.
Coffee cups
The tea cups & tableware
Clean the coffee maker and grinder regularly.
Für besseres Kaffeewasser
The great classic teas & tea types
The infusions & infusion drinks
The main tea growing areas
Sweet specialties with coffee
Chocolate bars
Chocolate drinks
Es ist immer eine gute Idee etwas schönes zu schenken.
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E.S.E. Pads
Von Klassikern bis Geheimtipps: Ideen à gogo für alle Kaffeeliebhaber.
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Known how
Do you love good coffee and are looking for an uncomplicated way to enjoy it anytime, anywhere? Then Cafflano is just the thing for you! The brand was founded in 2013 by five passionate coffee lovers and has since made a name for itself in the coffee world.
With its innovative and portable coffee equipment, Cafflano has won over 13 international awards and is now available in 100 countries worldwide. Let's discover together what makes Cafflano so special.
Cafflano has a clear goal: to develop high-quality coffee machines and equipment for everyone that are simple, innovative and sustainable. With their passion and creativity, they create products that revolutionise the enjoyment of coffee on the go and at home.
They combine simple handling with sophisticated technology. Their success proves them right: Cafflano has won the Speciality Coffee Association's "Best New Product Award" four years in a row. Behind every product is the idea that great coffee should be available to everyone, everywhere and at any time.
Cafflano emphasises flexibility and variety. The brand not only develops high-quality equipment for the perfect coffee, but also ensures that different brewing methods are covered - whether pour-over, espresso or immersion. This gives you the opportunity to enjoy your coffee the way you like it best.
Thanks to continuous investment in research and development, they always have their finger on the pulse and offer you products that are tailored to your needs. Whether you are a beginner or a professional, Cafflano has the right equipment for you!
Cafflano thinks ahead: in addition to first-class functionality, the focus is on sustainability. The products are designed to be durable and resource-saving. By using high-quality materials and the option of preparing fresh coffee on the go, Cafflano is helping to make coffee enjoyment more sustainable.
Fewer disposable cups, more conscious enjoyment - this is the mission that drives Cafflano and can inspire you to make your coffee enjoyment more sustainable.
Der Kaffee wird nach den Bio-Richtlinien der Bio Suisse angebaut, was bedeutet, dass keine Pestizide oder chemischen Düngemittel verwendet werden. Fairtrade ist ebenfalls ein wichtiger Bestandteil – das garantiert nicht nur faire Preise für die Bauern, sondern unterstützt auch Projekte vor Ort, wie den Bau von Schulen und Spitälern.
Geniesse Kaffee, der mit Herz und Verstand gemacht ist – Lü’s Bio Rösterei bringt dir den wahren Geschmack der Kaffeewelt.