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Brewing methods & recipes

There are many different brewing methods to get a tasty filter coffee in your cup.

Brewing methods & recipes for filter coffee

We have taken a closer look at the topic of filter coffee so that you can get started right away.

There are many different brewing methods to make a tasty filter coffee in your cup. It is important that you have a hand grinder or an electric filter grinder, a scale with a timer function and, at best, a kettle where you can set the temperature.

It is important to know that we are only providing you with a guideline in this article; depending on the coffee, you will need to make adjustments.

The most important thing is that you always use filter roasts and not espresso roasts, as these are roasted too dark and quickly make the filter coffee taste bitter.

Grinding: the finer, the longer the brewing time. As with espresso, but here not every second counts.

Brewing time: the longer, the more aromas are released and the coffee is more concentrated. But try to avoid over-extraction.

Brewing ratio: If the coffee is still too watery, you can change the brewing ratio by using more coffee for the same amount of water. Or vice versa, use less coffee to the same amount of water.

Brewing temperature: At higher temperatures, more and easier flavours dissolve, similar to how sugar dissolves faster in hot water than in cold water.

Have fun brewing and experimenting. :-)


V60 Pour Over

It is important to note here that you wet the filter paper before you start the whole brewing process.

Brewingratio: 15g coffee to 250g water
Brewing temperature: 93 - 97°
Brewing time: 2.5 - 6 minutes

When you have prepared everything for the brewing process, the first step is blooming. This is the swelling of the coffee. To do this, pour 3 times the amount of water evenly over the coffee in the dripper. Wait 30 seconds and then pour on 150g. Wait about a minute and then pour on 250g one last time and wait until all the water has run through.

If this whole process takes less than 2.5 minutes, then your grind is too coarse and you need to adjust it finer. If your brewing process has taken 4 minutes, it may taste good or it may already be over-extracted, depending on the coffee. It depends on your taste buds. :-)



The procedure here is exactly the same as for the V60 Pour Over. The filter paper for the Chemex is slightly thicker and has a different porosity.

Therefore, the filter coffee from the Chemex tastes somewhat finer and milder, more like tea in terms of the drinking sensation.

It is important to remember not to pour too much at once. Even if you have a large Chemex jug, pour twice for a more even extraction.



Here too, the starting position is the same as with the V60 Pour Over. Insert filter paper, wet, assemble.

Fill the Aeropress with ground coffee and start blooming. The difference here is that the water does not come out the other side straight away. After 30 seconds, add the rest of the water and leave for 2 minutes. Then put the plunger on and press down slowly and evenly.

Attention: Make sure that the flow valve is closed at the bottom before you start brewing!

Brewing ratio: 14g coffee to 220g water
Brewing temperature: 96°
Brewing time: 2 minutes

French Press

French Press

The French Press is probably the easiest coffee brewing method ever! The brewing ratio remains the same as with the V60 Pour Over brewing method. 

In comparison, you pour in the entire amount of water at once, then stir once and let everything stand for about 4 minutes. If you want you can stir a second time and then press the plunger down or you can press it down without stirring a second time.

FYI: The more you stir, the more flavours are released. Again, you can try a little if you like.

Selection of products for filter coffee

Kaffeelix, Inmaculada Gesha - Kolumbien
CHF 26,60 125 g
Kaffeelix, Inmaculada Gesha - Kolumbien

Entdecke den exquisiten Geschmack von Kolumbien mit dem Kaffeelix - einem Juwel aus den Inmaculada Coffee Farms. Gelegen im malerischen Dorf Pichindé, in der Region Cauca, steht dieser Kaffee für Nachhaltigkeit und Qualität. Seit seiner Gründung im Jahr 2010 hat sich Inmaculada zu einem Synonym für exotische und hochwertige Kaffeevarietäten entwickelt. Der anaerobic natural aufbereitete Gesha, verspricht ein unvergleichliches Geschmackserlebnis, das sowohl Deine Sinne betört als auch Dein Bewusstsein für umweltfreundlichen Kaffeeanbau schärft.Der Inmaculada Gesha besticht durch ein vielschichtiges Tassenprofil, das mit Noten von Pfirsich, Kirsche, roten Früchten und Vanille verzaubert. Abgerundet wird dieses Geschmackserlebnis durch den subtilen Hauch von Brombeere. Das Resultat ist eine klare Tasse mit einem eleganten und seidigen Mundgefühl, das Dich auf eine sensorische Reise durch die Aromenvielfalt Kolumbiens mitnimmt.Dieser Kaffee stammt aus Höhenlagen zwischen 1700 und 2000 Metern und profitiert von den idealen Bedingungen, die das Mikroklima der Region Cauca bietet. Die Gesha-Varietät, bekannt für ihre aromatische Komplexität und ihren blumigen Charakter, wird hier in einer anaerobic natural Methode aufbereitet. Dieser Prozess, bei dem die Bohnen nach der Reinigung in einem Vakuumsystem getrocknet werden, trägt massgeblich zur Einzigartigkeit dieses Kaffees bei.Der Inmaculada Gesha entfaltet sein volles Aroma am besten, wenn er mit Sorgfalt und Präzision zubereitet wird. Egal, ob Du eine Pour-Over-Methode bevorzugst, einen AeroPress nutzt oder Dich für die klassische French Press entscheidest, achte darauf, dass das Wasser die richtige Temperatur hat und die Extraktionszeit fein abgestimmt ist. So sicherst Du Dir ein optimales Geschmackserlebnis, das Dich in die Welt der exotischen Kaffeevarietäten entführt.Die Inmaculada Coffee Farms stehen nicht nur für aussergewöhnlichen Kaffee, sondern auch für ein Engagement für Nachhaltigkeit und den Schutz der Umwelt. Mit jedem Schluck Kaffeelix unterstützt Du dieses Bestreben und geniesst gleichzeitig einen Kaffee, der in der Kaffeeszene für seine Qualität und Einzigartigkeit bekannt ist.Tauche ein in die Welt der Kaffeelix Kaffees und lass Dich von der Passion und Hingabe, die in jedem Beutel steckt, inspirieren.

CHF 260,00 silver
Etzinger etz-I, Trim, silver

Not only did Etzinger want to simplify (manual) grinding by aiming for user-friendliness, but they also wanted to focus more on the grinder itself, more precisely on the burrs - the heart of every single grinder.Based on our RRB (Rotating Ring Burr) mechanism with its AS-Jig, which was introduced years ago when SETTE (Baratza) and etzMAX were launched, Etzinger is now setting new standards in manual grinding ... with a new design, a retractable crank handle with ergonomic grip, a magnetically attached lid and collecting container, and a one-piece absolute vernier scale visible from the outside.Rotating hollow shafts to eliminate the troublesome centre mechanism ensure that your etz-I is quickly filled and ready for use. Thanks to the external vernier scale (identical reference point for all grinders), it is very easy to adjust the grind and return to your setting after cleaning. Opened with a flick of the wrist (literally), quickly cleaned and reassembled without tools or screws, that's what etz-I is all about. Not absolutely necessary, but very practical, is the retractable crank, which allows for space-saving storage. So you can easily stow and pack away the grinder - or simply display it next to the coffee machine.The etz-I was developed for users who prefer simple, quick and hygienic handling and assembly, for customers who prefer to keep things plain and simple and who (literally) want to enjoy a decent cup of coffee even if they don't know much about PSD, RDT or burr geometries.