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Suitable for portafilter and fully automatic machines.
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Perfect espresso with almost no energy
Freshly ground coffee tastes better.
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To ensure that your favourite coffee tastes as it should, you should clean your coffee machine and grinder regularly. Even the small things you do to prepare your coffee every day can help to keep your machine in good condition for longer. Here are some tips on how to care for your coffee maker.
To prepare tasty coffee, we recommend a water hardness of about 8 dH (German hardness level). This not only ensures a good result in the cup, but also reduces the maintenance of your machine, as less limescale can build up in your coffee machine in the first place. The following water filters may be suitable for this purpose:
Cleaning brush: Remove coffee residues that have accumulated on the filter of the brew group with a group brush.
"Backflushing: Insert the dummy filter into the filter holder. Fill a degreasing tablet or degreasing powder into the dummy filter, clamp the filter holder into the brew group and let water run and stop again several times for 10 seconds at a time. Repeat this process until clear water runs through the brew group again. The best way to do this is to watch the video below. For your information: the dummy strainer is a strainer without holes and is usually included in the delivery of a portafilter machine or can also be purchased separately under spare parts.
Shower sieve: In addition to the backflushing, it is recommended to remove the shower sieve now and then and clean it separately. The shower sieve, which is screwed or pushed up on the brew group, can be unscrewed with a screwdriver or levered down with the screwdriver or a similar object with the seal.
When frothing milk, milk fat often accumulates on the steam lance and on the inside of the lance. There are various products for cleaning, each of which should be mixed with water. For thorough cleaning, you can also remove the tip of the steam lance and soak it in the solution for about 10-20 minutes.
Over time, coffee oils accumulate in the housing of the coffee grinder and on its grinding discs, which can give the further coffee extracted a rancid aftertaste. To remove coffee oils from the grinder, we recommend using the following cleaning products. Urnex Grindz, Puly Grind Cristally
Coffee residues and coffee oils also accumulate in the bean container of the grinder or on the surfaces of the coffee machine. Like all oils, coffee oils are not water-soluble and are therefore difficult to remove from surfaces. You can find these products in our shop to remove these oils from surfaces and interiors: Sprayz or Wipz.