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Suitable for portafilter and fully automatic machines.
Coffee drinks
Organic / Demeter
Fresh Coffee service
Coffee machines including home barista training for 2 people
What type of portafilter?
Which pump?
How many boilers?
Perfect espresso with almost no energy
Freshly ground coffee tastes better.
Typ of Grinder
Grind by hand
The tools for the barista
For better preparation
For clean preparation
White, colored and thick-walled cups.
Coffee cups
The tea cups & tableware
Clean the coffee maker and grinder regularly.
Für besseres Kaffeewasser
The great classic teas & tea types
The infusions & infusion drinks
The main tea growing areas
Sweet specialties with coffee
Chocolate bars
Chocolate drinks
Es ist immer eine gute Idee etwas schönes zu schenken.
Ob Bohnen, Pads oder Kapseln – jedes Bundle ist perfekt abgestimmt.
E.S.E. Pads
Von Klassikern bis Geheimtipps: Ideen à gogo für alle Kaffeeliebhaber.
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Kaffee Spezial
Wächst Kaffee in der Erde, auf einem Baum, als Strauch?
Vom äthiopischen Hochland bis zur globalen Kaffeekultur
Alles was du für die Kaffeezubereitung brauchst
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Known how
The coffee capsules for the Nespresso system are made from starch, plant cellulose and lignin (a by-product of paper production). They are therefore completely home-compostable and contain no aluminum, which makes them more environmentally friendly than conventional capsules.
With these capsules, Tropical Mountains is offering the first climate-neutral coffee capsules in Europe. The CO2 emissions from production are offset.
Like all coffees, the coffees for the coffee capsules come from the Schwegler family's own organic farm in Peru or are purchased directly from certified coffee farmers worldwide. By the way: after use, the capsules can simply be disposed of in your own compost or organic waste garbage can.
Mach deine sommerlichen Tee-Cocktails perfekt mit den passenden Tees aus unserem Sortiment.
The coffee capsules for the Nespresso system are made from starch, plant cellulose and lignin (a by-product of paper production). They are therefore completely home-compostable and contain no aluminum, which makes them more environmentally friendly than conventional capsules.
With these capsules, Tropical Mountains is offering the first climate-neutral coffee capsules in Europe. The CO2 emissions from production are offset.
Like all coffees, the coffees for the coffee capsules come from the Schwegler family's own organic farm in Peru or are purchased directly from certified coffee farmers worldwide. By the way: after use, the capsules can simply be disposed of in your own compost or organic waste garbage can.
Unsere sorgfältig ausgewählten Tees sind die ideale Basis für deine erfrischenden Sommergetränke.
Verwandle deine sommerlichen Tee-Rezepte in ein stilvolles Erlebnis mit unseren handverlesenen Accessoires.
Von eleganten Gläsern bis hin zu stilvollen Karaffen – diese Produkte machen deine Tee-Cocktails nicht nur zum Geschmackserlebnis, sondern auch zum optischen Highlight.
Entdecke jetzt die perfekten Ergänzungen für deinen nächsten Genussmoment und kreiere unvergessliche Erfrischungen mit dem gewissen Etwas.