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Tim Wendelboe, Caballero Geisha

Caballero Geisha

Discover this award-winning Geisha coffee with expressive, sweet mandarin aromas that play around the palate with floral notes and a hint of herbs.

Farmers Marysabel Caballero & Moises Herrera are passionate coffee growers who produce their coffee using the washed method. The Geisha variety is famous for its floral cup profile. This excellent coffee is a poem of aromas of sweet mandarin, jasmine and honey. In contrast to the Panamanian Geishas, this Geisha grown in Honduras, in the Chinacla region (La Paz), has a heavier texture, a slightly less intense acidity and a subtle herbal finish.  

The ripe cherries are picked and de-pulped by hand. After washing, the excess water is removed from the parchment coffee using a centrifuge. The coffee is then ready for drying.

The raised beds are covered with shade nets. During the drying process, the coffees are raked throughout the day to ensure even drying. At night, they are covered to avoid condensation and the risk of the coffee absorbing moisture during the drying process.  

EExpert tip for preparation

Filter coffee:
Depending on the brewing method, water quality and coffee used, we recommend using between 60 and 70 grams of coffee per liter (1000 g) of water.

6 months


250 g beans






Tim Wendelboe







Roast label

Filter roasting

Degree of roasting

blond roast



Coffee type

100% Arabica Single Origin


Aroma proof bag

CHF 34.20 / 250 g   BEANS
Product not avilable
1 2 3
Price per cup
0.96 CHF
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Attention: We will inform you by mail when the item is available again.

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