You can reach us by phone on+41 (0)44 941 50 55 during office opening hours or via the contact form below. We usually respond to contact enquiries within one working day.
Travelling by public transport: SBB timetable
Take the S5 / S14 to Uster, then bus no. 845 (direction Gossau ZH, Mitteldorf, low-floor bus), get off after 5 minutes at the "Uster, Linde" stop. Walk (850m) within 5 to 8 minutes to the Trümpler Areal.
You can reach us by phone during our office opening hours:
We can be reached at the following telephone number: +41 44 941 50 55
Book an individual appointment here
→ Bookan appointmentonline now
→ If no appointment is available, please contact us by phone.
Simply book a workshop appointment online now
→ Bookan appointmentonline now
We look forward to your visit to our factory shop in Uster: